I’m a current Sophomore at a UC trying to transfer to either UCSD or UCLA. I’m considering dropping a class that I said I would take on my transfer academic update (TAU) but I’m worried that doing this will cause issues. The class I’d drop isn’t a required transfer prerequisite nor will it hold me back from completing my GE’s. Since it’s not required or even recommended by any of the UC’s I applied to, will I have no problem dropping it and adding a different class? Also, it seems that UCLA doesn’t accept schedule changes anymore but I can’t find anywhere on UCSD’s website that allows me to do this. If anyone has helpful information regarding this circumstance, I’d really appreciate it.
Contact admissions at both schools and get the OK before dropping. You do not want
to put an acceptance at risk.
Contact us by email at ADMISSIONSREPLY@UCSD.EDU or by phone at (858) 534-4831.
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I sent both UCSD and UCLA an email. Since the deadline to drop a class without receiving a “W” is 4/15, should I just stay in the class until then? I’m torn what I should do if I don’t get a response by then.
I would try to call on Monday and see if you can get through to someone in admissions. Since the course is not required it should be fine, but I always like to get confirmation from the schools since decisions will be out soon.
I will definitely do that! Thank you so much Gumbymom. You’re always there to help people out with their college related questions and I hope you know how much people appreciate you 
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Can you give an update on how it went?
Since it wasn’t a required/recommended transfer prerequisite, they said it was fine to drop.
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Hi Justinbecause,
Was this both schools - in particular UCLA? My son has the same issue - he signed up for two classes for the Spring quarter that were not major required, GE required or count toward the minimum units. He dropped the classes to make space in his schedule for a CS class (last day to add was 4/15).
He was not able to get a straight answer from UCLA reps and still waiting to hear from the portal email he sent. His CC counselor said it should be ok but he is concerned now.
Appreciate any info!
UCLA was the only UC that gave me a pretty vague answer. Every other UC I emailed essentially told me that there will be no issues whatsoever from dropping the class. UCLA on the other hand told me that they are no longer accepting updates and that I would need to update any academic changes after I get accepted. Despite this, I’m 99.9% confident that UCLA won’t care as long as it isn’t a required/recommended prerequisite for your major or a GE that will prevent you from completing IGETC/letter of reciprocity.
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Ok thanks! I’m hoping that is the case also that it won’t matter since the classes not part of major or any other requirements.
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Hi -
I was wondering if you heard back yet from UCLA?
We also submitted an update on the contact page and waiting to hear back.
Hi -
I wanted to update also – my son heard back today and UCLA said in his situation his admission stands. His case: dropped two classes (and signed up for two different ones) - the two classes were not major required/not prereq, not needed for min units (60/90) for transfer, not needed for IGETC, and not math/eng requirement.
Hope this may help others that just want some probable reassurance (though everyone does need to check on their own to be sure!)
Thank you for the update.