Hello all,
We are still waiting to hear back from UCLA re whether a Spring schedule change (this is quarter system school so too late for TAU) would affect admissions contract when the two classes dropped are a) not major required/pre-requisite; b) not needed for GE/IGETC; and c) not needed to meet the min units for transfer? He dropped the classes since he no longer needed the classes for CSU and added two different classes that are more applicable. Its not like he is slacking off.
Seems like a no-brainer but UCLA taking forever to respond, its been over a week. Now it is making us nervous that maybe it does matter? Logically, it should not matter, but who knows with admissions.
Other UC’s have said (UCSB, UCI) the course changes do not matter (if the above parameters) or from past experience (older sibling at UCD) the spring courses didn’t matter once all the other reqs met. UCLA so difficult!
Just wondering if any of you have heard of students having admission rescinded? @Gumbymom and other experienced folks, appreciate any feedback!
Hope to hear back from UCLA before deadline to SIR, otherwise another problem!
The UCs and CC systems always asking how they can make transfer process more seamless, less barriers for students blah blah… this is one area where they could provide more clarity (UCSB, UCR UCD are great! quick reply, info on website…).
Thanks in advance! Have a great day!
I cannot speak for UCLA which has a tendency to be far more restrictive when it comes to course changes than other UC’s, but if the courses are not major requirements, pre-req’s or needed for IGETC, it should be fine. I know for peace of mind you want this in writing.
I have seen some acceptances rescinded for not completing the transfer course requirements with below par grades, but not for dropping non-required courses.
Best of luck.
Thanks Gumbymom for quick reply!! Every assurance is helpful (given the parameters)… much appreciated!
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Hello. Your son will not be rescinded. Technically, I didn’t even drop a class. I listed it as “PL” or “Planned” in the TAU the day I got my acceptance letter. As @Gumbymom stated, as long as it doesn’t affect the completion of your GEs (which might not even be a problem) or is a major-prep course/needed to transfer (This is where an offer of admission will be rescinded), you’ll be fine.
Thanks Thianos. I just hope UCLA confirms soon!
True, his classes were listed as PL.
Hi, I’m in a similar situation with another UC. I said I would plan on taking two classes for spring semester which I thought were listed as required courses, but I met with a college admissions counselor and he said that I had already completed all the requirements for my major according to the general information section on assist.
If you go to your UC portal, click on “My Conditions” and scroll down to the bottom, you can see whether you have conditioned courses or not. If no courses are listed then you should be fine, especially since those classes were not major related.
The email I got from the admissions team was really vague so I went in person and got it sorted out. Hopefully, you have it figured out as well!
Thanks Echkae!! Similarly, his classes were not listed under the Conditioned Classes but the way the letter is written, it tells the student to refer back to item 1, which states that any planned courses are to be completed with grade C or better, etc etc (basically legalese two-speak).
I hope UCLA is the same way then… should be but who knows with these schools…
Take care.
Hello Everyone,
Just wanted to thank everyone again for your encouragement and update. UCLA did get back today (day 11 out of 15, so yay, process works) and said

I hope this helpful to others – knowing that everyone’s situation is different and in this case: the two classes were not required for GE, not required for IGETC, not math/eng, not needed for min units for transfer (60/90) and not major required/pre-req. Yes, would seem like a no-brainer but until the university confirms, you just worry esp since you only get to SIR once!