UC Transcript Discrepancy

This is regarding the UC app.

I’ve been on my school’s tennis team for the past 3 years. I was planning on playing this year as well, so I put something along the lines of “Tennis, 4-year varsity member” under the extracurricular section of the UC App. Due to an unforeseen change of coaches and other things, I am unable to play this year with my school.

Do I have to report this to the UC app that I’m not going to be playing tennis for my school this year or is it a small enough discrepancy that it doesn’t matter? My thinking is that I didn’t put tennis in with my classes and just put it in with my extracurriculars, so a small discrepancy won’t make that much of a difference. Additionally, they just tell you to report a change in your A-G courseload, and a sport isn’t considered an A-G. I just don’t want to get admitted to my dream school and have them rescind my offer when they see on my transcript that I didn’t play tennis during senior year.