UC/USC cOurse aPplication qUestion

<p>Hey All,</p>

<p>I'm a senior and I was planning on taking multi-variable calculus this spring at a community college...cuz my school doesn't offer it. However, do u think i would gain some sort of edge if i take it as a Fall course...so they can see my grade when i send in a grade report in December (assuming i get an A). I really don't want to take it in the fall but if it will help my chances In regards to the UC and USC Application then i'm willing to do it.</p>

<p>I hope your shift key recovers from its bout with epilepsy :P</p>

<p>the UCs will only use senior grades for borderline cases, so it would be of no help. Dunno about 'SC.</p>

<p>I think USC looks at first semester senior grades. Both schools look at the rigor of your senior schedule, so just list the class on your planned schedule and let them know you are taking it senior year.</p>