UCB bioe vs. UCSD bioe:pmed

<p>hi everyone,</p>

<p>I’m really really stuck on which school to go to…</p>

<p>UCB has a decent bioe program, but its in a bad area imo and itll be hard to succeed. But the prestige and the good job outlook afterwards! Plus many people who go there study relatively hard so I will too probably.</p>

<p>SD has a great bioe program, but im in bioe:pmed becaue I screwed up and put that as my first choice major… how much will that affect job offers? Its also in a nice area but its not as prestigious… and according to my mom since I’m pretty easily influenced people will drag me to parties and I’ll be screwed.</p>

<p>The big thing is taht I want to go to medical school… but I’m fully aware that its a really low chance so I’m really watching out for the alternative, which would be grad school in bioe. Either way I’ll need to pull a great gpa which imo is pretty doable in both schools if I try (the problem is i usually dont) but it will be easier in UCSD.</p>

<p>What should I do…</p>

<p>bioE at ucsd will not be easier than bioE at UCB. ucsd outranks UCB in that area. With that said, bioE: premed is not ABET accredited at UCSD(which I'm sure already know) which shouldn't matter if your going on to medical school or grad school.
If you don't go med. school or grad. school then you're just gonna have to gain creditability through research, internships, etc. to make up for ABET.
One thing I noticed here at UCSD, most bioE: premed planning for med school switch to easier majors, like bio, psyh, etc. because of the difficulty to attain a high gpa.</p>

<p>is it really that hard to attain a high gpa in bioe classes? How are classes weighted/scaled?</p>


<p>If you can, do BioE at UCSD. It's better than UCB for that.</p>

<p>Difficulty would probably be irrelevant. Don't base your decision on that. Bioengineering is going to be difficult at both schools.</p>

