*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

no last year was different

Just check your portal, if below ā€˜see status updateā€™, you donā€™t see any FAQ link, that means itā€™s a glitch and you can party now!

Guys, since im not in the discord can someone from the server please verify that no one other than changemakers (especially engineering) got the glitch
so I can chill a bit and not think that Iā€™m not getting in:)

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Yes I can verify

A while back, I called the FPF office with a few questions. I was told that, even if you donā€™t choose an alternate pathway (like FPF or Changemakers), that some L&S waitlist applicants will only be offered through one of those alternate pathways. I find it hard to believe that a glitch will exist only for people who selected Changemakers, when some waitlist applicants that didnā€™t select it will be offered Changemakers.

only this part? In state only maybe

yea itā€™s weird they also told me that selecting fpf would give no advantage but i feel like it does now

They told me the same thing.

Yea thatā€™s such a lie lmao. They only offer less than 1500 spots(prolly just a bit over 1000 for L&S), and 1000 of which are those programs. So if you are L&S and donā€™t opt in for the programs, you know thereā€™s basically no chance. Sure there are a few ppl got the traditional, but it has a much lower chance and 0 chance for oos and intl. In a sense they didnā€™t lie, you would have no advantage for opting into the program, but u will have a disadvantage for not doing so.

It is what it is, take it easy. You will have a nice college to go if you are on UCB waitlist.

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Somebody chance me, UCI regents, accepted to UCLA CS (Invited to apply to regents but did not get in), what are my chances for EECS?

nah ik someone who got waitlisted to all ucs

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yea rip

I called and spoke to a woman who worked for the FPF program. She told me that choosing FPF does not help your chances. Also, she told me that, even if you donā€™t select an alternate pathway like FPF, if you are L&S, they may still only offer an alternate like pathway like FPF to you as a waitlist admission.

Unless she was overtly telling me a lie, opting in makes no difference.

I feel like they are lying becasue this upcoming wave is literally instate changemakers only. like everyone who got the glitch opted in for it.


@ye2024 ik ur oos. did you opt in for changemakers?

thank you!!

changemakers in

People are getting in!:upside_down_face:

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