UCB Portal Astrology Discussion

I mean at this point I just don’t know what to expect… The best thing would still be the official decisions though

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Bro why would someone ask them this lmao. What did they expect Cal to say? “Yes we leaked decisions early”. Now it got patched up smh


idk, I’m assuming :laughing: :man_shrugging: it due to some worries, but who knows

I guess we shall find out the truth in just over 24 hours

S22 got same message in portal. Very odd!!


for this link are people still getting the “can only access if denied” prompt? If anyone gets something different can you let us know

Daughter still gets that and I think it means nothing.

are you able to sign up for a welcome reception?

i am so confused rn… for me, it still works and im able to log in to register for the sacramento reception with this link which is one my friend sent to me but with the one being passed around in this thread it says unauthorized??

can you send the link

No, hers says unauthorized for both! That’s what I mean.

Do you mind sharing the link so we can try

Yeah, got the same message.

idk how to im sorry ■■■■■ i made an account for this like 2 hrs ago and im trying to but it keeps telling me im not allowed to send links to u have insta or something i really need someone else to test this out

just copy and paste the link what

Do you have the form id (the one right after “form?id=”) in your URL

Wonder if this is true! Guess we will have to wait till tomorrow…S22 into Caltech and USC but hope to get Berkeley!!!

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can u guys drop ur emails or something so i can just email it to u bc i keep trying to and i get a pop up saying “You are unable to post links” or something

literally just copy and paste url into the text box