UCB Portal Astrology Discussion

They are talking about the welcome event, not the information sessions. For example the one titled Welcome Reception: San Diego

yeah some ppl on reddit are trying to login and are able to. I am not able to on my end. maybe not all of them are loaded yet

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I am not authorized… is this the end :weary:


Oof i dont want to get rejected from another school

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ok. trying my son’s login in for Sacramento Welcome event…Yes i can register him for the Sac Welcome event

i would guess admitted then… this is the end for me :frowning:

do you mind sending a ss blurring out any sensitive information totally understand if you do not want to for whatever reason

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yeah i def got rejected


Random question. Has your son participated in any other info sessions or summer sessions with Cal that required a log in?

I was in pre college scholars and had a berkeley email and calnet id and i didnt get access

but was it the same email used across all accounts

he has not participated in any Cal events. His older brother is a sophomore at Cal, and I am using the same computer that I used to check on his brothers admissions stuff back in 2020, so I don’t know. Some saved cookies or whatever? but it definitely said my younger son’s name on the RSVP

yo can any international view the portal hack im hoping they didnt enter it for international/oos students but i think its over

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yea im intl and can access it

ggs for me

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My D is able to register for the welcome event as well. She is logged into the system and doesn’t have any prior log-in access.

If ppl who are able to access don’t mind me asking, what’s your/your kids major?

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L&S Undeclared. In-state

I was able to access the UCI/UCSD welcome events when some people weren’t and I still got waitlisted