UCB Portal Astrology Discussion

Oh! Sorry to hear about the waitlist. Maybe the “welcome reception” stuff is just a glitch across UC platforms? Doesn’t seem like much of a coincidence that both UCI and UCSD had that same thing happen

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I thought everybody was able to access the welcome events at UCI

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I had a couple of my friends who weren’t able

oh interesting! was there any correlation between decisions

Some people on Reddit now reporting they weren’t able to register a while ago, but now they can.

not really 3 of them who weren’t able to access got waitlisted and 1 got rejected… I was able to access and got waitlisted too

i think thats people being able to log into the admissions presentations but not the receptions, I made the same mistake in the beginning.


Oh, I think you’re right

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but like wouldn’t the decisions be put in the night before or something? rather than the two days prior

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that’s what I expected too, although its weird how some people can access it and some can’t…

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is there a link to the reddit thread someone can share?


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It automatically filled out my first and last name :face_with_monocle:

Depending on which event I chose it changed. For the welcome sessions it said unauthorized but for the admissions presentations it fills out my info


It auto filled for both the welcome event and the admissions presentation. Probably meaningless.

Does anyone have the UCI thread that discussed this “welcome reception” stuff


? I just posted the link

are any OOS in L &S capable of logging in?