UCB Portal Astrology Discussion

I am pretty sure that nothing is loaded yet and all the astrologies are fantasies.


Thank you. Still hoping but it is getting smaller and smaller. It just made me happy because we sent the application the very first day so I said maybe we were first in line LOL

I think everything would be loaded tomorrow… LOL

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I can access the withdrawal form and I was able to access the welcome event. Is this a good sign?

I think that UCB should honor the wishes of all that clicked on the Withdraw button and remove them from further consideration.

Too many leet haxxor wannabees here…

May be it’s all bogus but those who are not able to access the withdraw form yesterday night were previously able to access it. So how do you explain the change?

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I would explain it with the will of one of the gods. It is as good an explanation as the rest of the fantasies.

No, that’s not how code works. Something triggers a different page. The fact the EXACT same people who were able to access the Welcome event can access the withdraw form MEANS decisions were posted and something redirects them to the page.


Thats correct.

I get your sentiment, but this specific thread is set up for people who want speculate. Like, I wouldn’t go to a message board titled “Who’s going to win the World Series” and say “Why don’t you guys wait until after the series is over to see who won??”


Umm, I have a Ph.D. in Computer Science. Are you sure you want to explain to me how code works?

There is a coherent set of events with plausible explanations for each event supporting the astrology. It’s obviously not a certainty but it’s as good a theory founded on some evidence as I’ve seen, and can’t be dismissed as mere fantasy.


beefing in a college confidential chat on a Thursday…

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That’s fine. But it make sense to bring the leet haxxors to Earth, from time to time.

■■■■■ yeah, we’ve got ceremonial berkeley rejections to receive, move outta the way

No, there isn’t. There is incoherent set of fantasies that are piled on top of each other with even more incoherent justifications why the fantasies that didn’t work were disproved.


Perhaps correlation does not equal causation, but there is an undeniable correlation that we cannot disregard. Granted, that doesn’t warrant attempts to figure out what each correlating set of events may mean. So let’s just WAIT for the DAMN decisions to come out

I’m kidding aout the wait part, I really wanna know man 0-0

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I feel like way too many ppl are being able to access the withdrawal page and were able to access the event

Thats cause on CC many good students are here.

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