UCB Portal Astrology Discussion

And were they ultimately rejected ?

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What does it say when you click on one of the reception events at UC Berkeley Event Registration ?


it says unauthorized for me

rip dream school chances :cry:

For UCI and other schools, did anyone who could not register for the event get in?

I think they mean if you are admitted, you should be able to sign up for welcome events. Came up unauthorized for me too.

Sad, another rejection.

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Can people answer this want to see how many people can see it since it feels like a lot less ppl can see it compared to past astrology incidents.


maybe post it in the reddit thread too? people are discussing there as well

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What does it do when you click on that link?

My D can log in and sees an invitation to be at a even in Sacramento.
“Welcome Reception: Sacramento”
What does this mean?

Some kids can and some kids can’t. I hope its not some kind of phishing scam.
All the Regents invitees can too, which means this maybe a sign of admit?

i think they are deleting all portal astrology comments over there

This is what happens for me when I click on the welcome link above:

  1. Takes me to a map of the entire US.
  2. I click on one of the little gold dots in California, say Visalia (Visalia? Yeah, Visalia!)
  3. It thinks for 8-10 seconds then,
  4. An event registration pops up
  5. When I click on Visalia again, an auto-filled screen pops up with all of our information filled in.

What’s it mean? Probably nothing.


Two students at my kid’s school who were admitted
in Feb can both access the welcome event.


so basically those who can access r acccepted

That’s the theory, but don’t believe it. Didn’t always work with UCI.


You can access the welcome event or the admissions presentation?

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Which way it didnt work?
People who could access got rejected?
Or people who could not get acccess were accpted.

Or both.

both. Everyone can access the admissions presentation but apparently not everyone can access the welcome event

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Oh no. Sucks for me

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