UCB -VS- UCSD (regents)

<p>Hi guys! I’m having a really hard time deciding which school to go to… so I decided to post in the forums and ask what you guys think :)</p>

<p>So here goes:</p>

<p>UC Berkeley- currently in L&S, hoping to switch to chemistry dept. (<–difficult? D:)
-great reputation :wink:
-visited campus, really liked feeling of area (san francisco)
-dunno about research opportunities, but I hear there are plenty</p>

<p>UCSD- human biology major (impacted)
-got regents scholarship: priority registration, 4 yr housing guarantee, honor programs
-great bio reputation: got into human biology, which is impacted major</p>

<p>I really can’t decide! I have a feeling my GPA will suffer if I go to Berkeley… I want to major in chemical biology… so I will have to transfer to the college of chemistry later on. Does anyone know how hard that is? Also, how are grades in Berkeley, if I want to apply to grad school? I am willing to work hard, but I also heard from my teacher who went to berkekely that sometimes hard work is just not enough… XP (she was chemical biology major too) I’m not aiming for a really high GPA… does 3.5 sound like the norm for hardworking students in biology or chemistry? (i got 5 on AP chem and 800 on satii chem… but i studied A LOT for those scores… so i’m not naturally smart or anything)</p>

<p>On the other hand, I’ll be one of the top applicants in UCSD with lots of benefits from regents, so I will probably not have such a hard time managing my GPA. The thing is, though, I’m more of a city person, and I like berkeley/San Francisco area since it’s close enough if I need to go home, but not THAT close that I’d be going home every other weekend (around 2 hours away). </p>

<p>I know I should be choosing the school I like and everything, but I’ve heard so many people regret going to berkeley just because they liked it because their GPA dropped, couldnt get into grad school, etc. I like UCSD too, since I know a bunch of people going there as well, but I would prefer berkeley. </p>

<p>Give me some advice? I asked a lot of people, and I’m getting 1/2 telling me berkeley and 1/2 telling me UCSD.</p>