**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

So, FPF is the only choice for LS waitlisters.

Accept yourself.

@jaffa1 @scrambro any other insider please answer. For L and S, will they be doing just plain spring admission. Is there any chance left?

@harvardptonwlboi Do not despair! It ainā€™t over yet. How could it be? Maybe half of the people or more who got in today will say no. They will likely go deeper than ever into their w/l. even if UCB does it in waves, it will eventually come down to a trickle as people decide to take a gap year or cant get a visa to come to the US. So you still have a shot. What are your other options? Can you take loans to pay if it comes down to that? Anyway, you have to hold up. You didnt let anyone down. It is a tough system and process with a lot of unknowns and some luck Just hang in there.


Thereā€™s only 600 spots left in L and S. We donā€™t know how many havenā€™t committed yet. I SIRā€™d to UCSC. Other schools I got into were Rice USC UMich and NYU. I feel like such a failure right now. It really truly is over for me. And no, I truly canā€™t afford it. My parents donā€™t want me taking loans. Itā€™s the end of the road. Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™m not going to Berkeley.

I say you have a shot at it. you got into a lot of good schools already. You are not at the bottom of the barrel here. I dont understand this idea that you let everyone down. Dude you got into 4 or 5 really good schools. My friend applied to 14 and got into exactly 1. last choice safety too.

Does anyone kknow the admission office email other than admissions@berkeley.edu. Apparently they donā€™t use this any more.

wait a min. only 600 spots left in LS or FPF??? Wouldnā€™t some people get the traditional route. How is it possible that only 600 spots are left for LS in total if they underenrolled this year. this is confusing

Im so confused ab this

does anyone know how many spaces are left in CoE?

@jaffa1 Please give us any info you have.

Why confusing? Some people are holding spots and on other w/ls. Some havent responded immediately. Some are mulling it over. Some may have accepted but wont be able to afford it or get a visa. Everything is up in the air for everyone. Its also possible they want to start with fewer students due to covid-19.

Havenā€™t heard much from CoE. Is it likely their spots are just too full and theyā€™re not picking off the waitlist?

I also think a lot of people are holding on to w/ls that they donā€™t really want. I have seen a few posts where people say they arenā€™t taking the spot, but they waited to see if they were offered the spot. So who knows. could be way more spots open once the dust settles. unless people are grabbing what they can and holding tight (pandemic mentality).

we should collectively spam the admissions department with emails, this process needs to be more transparent.

@harvardptonwlboi I understand how you feel but have a little perspective man. You obviously are extremely qualified judging on the fact you got into all of those prestigious schools. My dream school was UMich, and even though I got in there is no way my family could afford OOS tuition, so just accept it and move on because thereā€™s really nothing else you can do. You will have success regardless of where you go based on your qualifications alone, and besides, undergrad isnā€™t the most important part of your educational journey. That being said, we clearly all would love to get into Cal so letā€™s not give up all hope just yet!

As far as insider info, I do have some, but it is a little hard to interpret and I donā€™t know if it is the best news.
1)Son Got in today. Talked to my friend TODAY with the insider contact in student affairs (Financial aid, admissions, etc). I asked him if he could ask the contact about FPF, and if there is anyway to get around having to sign up for it. He called me back almost immediately after talking to the contact. The deal is that there is NOT a lot of room for traditional pathway. And (this is the part that is confusing) this is because there are going to be a lot of Study Abroad students who will be on campus this Fall (bc of pandemic), and PAYING tuition at UCB, who would otherwise have been abroad paying tuition at the foreign university.

I was a little confused and thought he was referring to the London GLobal Edge students. He assured he that he was not, and that he was referring to UCB Study Abroad. This continues to be confusing because I am assuming that study abroad students are generally not freshman, and why would that affect the amount of traditional pathway spots for freshman. He could not answer that, as that was not clarified to him from the Insider.
SO the takeaway is that there MAY not be that many traditional pathway spots available (and this is mostly for L&S students, I think)

  1. The more promising news is that there are still a lot of FPF spots. Mine is showing 641 remaining, and it has been like that for a while. (several hours). Is someone else showing anything different?

Do any of you know how much spots are left for the college of Chemistry?

Thank you for the information. I do think that itā€™s confusing how the UCB study abroad program is interfering with freshman traditional spots.

However, I think we all need to calm down. These people with insider information areā€™t all-knowing or constantly refreshing this thread to respond to every one of us. I understand that this is upsetting to a lot of us, but thereā€™s still a chance and like somebody said earlier, undergrad is not the most important step in your educational career.

The 641 spots are to be confirmed by those off-the-waitlist? Or they are to be filled by us waitlists?