**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

@richbilly probably :confused: I really hope the next wave is mostly international and OOS

@scrambro thanks so much for the info! and still caring about us even though your work here is done already

Please know you are not alone in your feelings of disappointment but you do still have options. Not sure if you live close to Cal but not UCSC to say that’s the only one you can afford, but if so, there is no shame in attending a JC and then transferring.
My son is feeling your level of disappointment right now as well. He only applied to a few schools and honestly thought he had a good shot at most (Stanford was a big stretch) and ended up only getting accepted to his safety schools of SDSU and SJSU. He’s waitlisted at Cal and Cal Poly and declined the waitlist at UCD. He has worked extremely hard all thru high school but is going for computer engineering which is overly competitive at these schools. It has been killing him to have friend after friend get in to Cal and UCLA with lower GPAs and SATs and less ECs even though he understands it is the major that is working against him. He is committed to SDSU and actually loved the school during the tour but hates the idea of admitting to anyone that’s all he could get in to. It has been a very stressful spring but he is continuing to try his best (currently has a 4.85 gpa and is signed up and ready to take 6 AP exams over the next 2 weeks) but has asked out loud why he’s working so hard when it doesn’t mean anything. We remind him, as I will remind you, it will help you and make you stronger in the long run. Hang in there, despite whatever happens in the next couple weeks- I’m sure your parents are as proud of you for all your work and effort as I am of my son, even if neither of his waitlist options work out. Good luck to all of you that didn’t get good news yesterday!

Thanks for all your help! Hopefully the next wave will be L and S heavy and IS friendly @jaffa1 @scrambro do you guys know if checking the FPF Box ever mattered or not? Just trying to figure things out.

Please let us know whatever info you get.


Thank you for all the information you provided and congratulations to you and your son.

My daughter got off WL yesterday as well and wanted to let everyone know that the FPF count is changing. I believe it started around 675
 just checked it and shows 569. Global Edge started at 75
currently 74. Surprised that is even being offerred.

Go to “First Year Pathways” letter look for:

“Please carefully review the pathway choices and click here to see if space is still available for your desired pathway and to make your selection.”

Click on “click here” and gives a running count.

Best of luck to rest of you. Just remember you make the school
not the other way around. Where ever you land
you all have the tools/drive to do well if you are on WL.


Thank you so much. Could you provide some updates like later in the day, and in a few days just for all of us here.

Do you have the spring admit option?

@scrambro could you possibly ask your contact if they’ll do plain spring admissions? I’m willing to accept that now tbh.

I want to know this too

Thank you @scrambro for the updates it is much appreciated. Also for the people that got in for LS, I kindly request if someone can update this thread like maybe every few days throughout this next week of the number of remaining spots for fpf. It would be much appreciated.

does berkeley rank waitlist? Can we call to know where we are placed? I can’t take anymore of this anxiety

So like 100 people accepted the spot on the first day and more will follow suit i guess
 so that means by the next wave there will only be around 100 spots left
 Why is the acceptance rate/spots offered so low this year

@vickyhhhhh0906 I’m sure there’ll be 500 spots atleast for the next wave, as many admits would have claimed their spots.

@jaffa1 any updates??

I hope there are at least like 300-400 spots left for fpf for the second wave but I highly doubt it


Happy to give update. Watching count while daughter decides if she wants to accept.

Latest count 563.

She was given option of FPF or Global Edge. She did not opt in for those on the waitlist letter. Told there are no more Traditional spots.

I believe spring admit option was offerred if you were not 18 and thus could not do Global Edge.

What percentage of the second wave do you guys think is gonna be instate? Should i just give up if Im instate L&S at this point?

The UC admission process sucks. 4.0 UW. 4.7 weighted. 34 ACT. Lots of ECS with lots of unique ECs. Started a very successful new club. Lots of leadership. Played a team sport. Really strong essays. Rigorous curriculum. Straight As first semester senior year and straight As now. Straight As throughout high school. Lots of APs. Studied abroad. The whole package. Yet waitlisted. The only con is I am a white male from upper middle class family in state. Who knew that would count against me.

I didn’t opt in for FPF or Global Edge for the waitlist and didn’t get in during this first wave. If there are no more traditional spots available, should I opt in to FPF now? Will there be any more traditional spots?

Just to make sure that the time that we submitted our opt in doesn’t matter, did anyone who opted in on the 14th or 15th get off the waitlist yesterday?

To those who got in, please keep updating us with the FPF/GEL count so we can keep realistic expectations. Thank you.

@Bbdbdbdbdbdbdbdbdbdbdbd Can we select FPF now? Is there any way to do that? ‘Cause if there is a way I will do it right now.