**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

We can technically still edit the waitlist form right?

for those that didn’t select fpf it doesn’t matter. if u guys do get in you guys will be automatically given acceptance thru fpf or GE cuz that’s how it has worked in past years. All LS people that are still left are all gonna be competing for the remaining fpf spots

@gamingftw453 I submitted my opt-in on the 15th and got in yesterday.

It seems that in last year’s thread, around 4/5 people reported their acceptance. Some OOS, some IS and no internationals. Yikes.

@RifaSanj - 4/5 of people getting in the first wave? Also how was the second wave last year, was it like oos and IS mixed?

@kash123 Sorry, I was talking about the second wave. 4/5 people reported getting in on the second wave. The thread itself had only 47 pages in total. Everyone got official rejection letters on the 30th of May.

At this point all we can do is hope. I think for those who have yet to hear from UCB, have a good chance still to get in whether they are oos or IS. On that note it would be great if someone can update us on the number of fpf spots left, as this would mean a lot for everyone who are left on this thread.

Best of luck to all.

I was accepted off of the waitlist yesterday and currently there are 621 spots let for FPF and 76 spots for global edge. I’m guessing that people admitted off of the waitlist still won’t be able to be admitted into the traditional pathway. I can update this thread on the number if needed in the next few days! It looks as though the spots are limited but do not lose hope.

I put on my UC application that I was planning to take Linear Algebra at CC during the Spring but it conflicted with my normal school. I am taking Linear Algebra in the summer however and filled out the UCB update form as well. Can I get rescinded over this even if I take the course in the Summer?

@lucidlokoxd - thanks a lot for the update. It would mean a lot if you could update us on the number of spots left throughout the next few days as it is now confirmed that there are no more traditional spots left.

I keep seeing the same question being asked about being offered the traditional pathway. It’s been confirmed numerous times that if you get off the waitlist and you are in L&S, the only pathways you will be offered are FPF and Global Edge (whether you selected them in the waitlist opt-in form or not)! Stop banking on them offering you the traditional pathway because that is not going to happen. Every year has been the same, if you get off the waitlist then those are your only two options unless you are in CNR, COE, COC. Either way, FPF and Global Edge are only for one semester. In the Spring you can take classes on Main Campus. If you really truly want to attend Berkeley then just choose one of the pathways. Literally the only difference is where you are taking your classes. Everything else remains the same. You will live in the same dorms, eat at the same dining halls, can use the same buses, can use the same libraries. If you really want to feel like you are on campus, then go to campus to study.


Thanks! Did you do the save for later thing? Do you know how much this number has been changing lately, particularly since last night or something??


Current Counts for FPF (555) and GE (74)

For those that were admitted, are you guys still able to see the FPF count even after submitting the pathway. How many does it show?

I can still see the numbers but I can’t tell if they’re changing. Someone said 555 left for FPF but I’m still seeing over 600 so maybe they’re not updating for me or it’s just how many was there when I submitted my form.

@emom05 how are you getting those numbers? On our FPF page it is stuck at 641 and won’t change. I followed some posted directions on how to check the count, but I still can’t get that to work.
Thank you.


Is your number still exactly 621? or is it different?

for the people that got in have those numbers for the fpf been changing from your view or have they been the same? for instance the person that said 641 and 621 have those numbers stayed the same or have they went down since yesterday?

So since COE applicants aren’t offered the FPF and Global Edge pathways, and since (based off of some posts I’ve read on here) there are no traditional spots left, does that basically mean no more COE students will get off the waitlist? (not that many even did in the first place)