**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

One comment: if you are admitted, you can enroll, and not pick your pathway right away. In fact I don’t see anything about a deadline for picking your pathway. So by May 14, FPF spot count may not reflect the number of students who enrolled.

@scrambro - thanks for the info. I am just gonna hope that I can get in off this next wave

Are there any instate L&S people here who were accepted off the waitlist but not thinking of accepting it? ( i need some false hope lol)

can anyone comment on the chances of an in state CoE major getting in the next wave? I know that the yield is probably quite low, but is there still a chance?

@plsadmitthanks i can try. What we are seeing from the UCB 2024 Facebook page is that many people from the WL who are introducing themselves, are still undecided, or choosing bt UCB and another school.

So, lots of things still cannot be determined.

guys i think we all need to calm down a little haha no one knows REALLY what the odds are gonna be like this year and all we can really do is just wait for the next wave! i’m with you guys, waiting is torture, but its all we can do. good luck to everyone :slight_smile:

@ridewthemob - yea I agree. we should just settle down for the next few days and hope for the best for the next wave. Also, I would like to request someone to update the number of spots remaining for fpf and GE every day or every 2 days just to help us out a little

If I get off the UCLA waitlist then I’d reject my offer from Berkeley

Can anyone please throw some insight into OOS EECS on next wave waitlist?

The official ucb class of 2024 page (the one run by UC Berkeley student affairs) dropped 14 members today! They’re still only at 3.8k where last year the class size was expected to around 6,400. However, this page has always been really low so I’m not sure if too many admitted students actually know about it or they only have around 3,800 students committed/deciding!

you guys realize there’s another ucb facebook with 5.1k members. Idk why only the one with 3k members gets mentioned.

if you were admitted, do u know when roommate requests are due for berkeley?

@gamingftw453 I mean, still 646 fewer than UCLA for the same class size. If around 1000~1500 people got off the waitlist yesterday, there should still theoretically be room left in the hundreds.

Or not. I’m a simp for Cal and I’d sell a kidney to get in. I might be rationalizing hard rn lmao.

I hope your right LOL

I would not rely on FB to really indicate anything significant numbers-wise. However, there are def going to be at least 400-500 spots remaining in my opinion and some that got off the waitlist may decide to not go which may open some more spots. I think the second wave will be similar to how it was last year.

@hopefulacademic @gamingftw453 @Dan2elCh5 I may have a closer peek into the FB accounts shortly to let you know what’s going on there.

@collegecueen the housing application for WL students is due on the acceptance deadline which is May 14th for wave one. Roommate selection is fluid, meaning that you can change who you request as a roommate at any time after the application is turned in up until the point when they notify you of your housing assignment (Sometime in June.)

(My son will be looking for a roommate btw, assuming that will even be a thing this Fall)

Thanks @scrambro. And to those who haven’t declared a pathway yet, what are the FPF/GEL numbers looking like?

do people in the second wave also get the glitch before the results come out??

@kash123 i was just wondering, how are you so sure that there will be 400-500 spots left?