**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

@scrambro thank you so much information!
@kash123 @scrambro do you know how second wave looked last year? Was it similar to first wave where many students still get off the wait list like first wave? (It would be great if you can provide stats if possible)

Obviously when I said 400-500 it was just my estimation as there may be fewer spots available or more but that is very unlikely. But I am confident that there will definitely be a good amount of spots still left for the next wave and from what Iā€™ve been hearing the second wave was a mix of oos and IS last year so expect the same this year. I think @scrambro would have more info into this but at the end of the day, I am also an oos applicant eagerly waiting for the next wave hoping to get in.

I dont think 500 spots would be left. itā€™s literally been 2 days since the offers came out and now its down to 550 spots on fpfā€¦ people are currently thinking ab the offer and will likely enroll later on in the week. I think there will be like 100-200 spots left tbh

@scrambro @jaffa1 any knowledge on CoE and what waitlist is looking like for these colleges??

@hjsskz ugh why donā€™t we just trade places hahaha. I got off the UCLA waitlist and currently have my SIR there but Iā€™d rather go to Cal

Yeah was wondering the same thing

I think that only the 3k UCB FB page is getting mentioned bc itā€™s the one thatā€™s actually run by the actual student affairs aka itā€™s the official one.

@Senllri Hi there. I donā€™t have specific college info (or specific ā€œanythingā€ info, really). I wrote earlier that I donā€™t think that the admissions dept. even knows how the remaining CoE WL is going to go until after the 14th. (deadline for wave 1 to accept).

@erica2002 @stcloud9 Yep. People in the second wave also get the same glitch.

I know I had mentioned that I was going to withdraw my app if I didnā€™t get in through the second wave, but I decided that Iā€™m not going to wait any longer and just did it so if I was in front of someone on the WL, youā€™ve now moved up a spot!

The main reason is the fact that it only seems like the FPF would be an option at this point and none of the traditional pathway spots are open. I hadnā€™t realized how limited the STEM offerings were until I searched it, and thatā€™s just too much of a deal-breaker for me. I am 90% sure I either want to major in physics and/or math, and I will have completed Different Equations and Linear Algebra by the end of this spring while the FPF only offers up to Calc 1, and absolutely no physics courses. I am really just looking to get started in my field ASAP and I want to stay ahead in my track of math. Even though its only one term, Iā€™ve worked hard to put myself in this position, and the school I am currently deposited gives me the chance to place out of DiffEq, Linear Algebra, Calc 3, etc and jump into grad-level math really quickly. Plus Iā€™ve already fallen behind a bit by repeating 10th grade, so I just canā€™t wait any longer to get down to business.

While I could stay on the list ā€˜just to see if I get inā€™, I donā€™t want to be potentially taking the spot of someone else who is 100% on board with the FPF option. Good luck everyone, and hopefully a good chunk of you guys will get in on the next wave!

My daughter got off yesterday, applied business major but got off as L & S no traditional path, only FPF and Global offered, got the FAQ glitch earlier in the week. We did not choose FPF when opt in. Donā€™t lose hope even you donā€™t see your major got off because you might still get off as L & S. We are In-State S.CAL, since still nothing from WL UCI and UCSD, we accepted UCB.

@WaitlistBoy Big ups man best of luck to you

For those admitted off the waitlist, was there an option to select which FPF location (Berkeley or san Francisco) or just FPF vs Global Edge?

@WaitlistBoy i respect you

Iā€™m pretty sure UCB no longer has the SF location for fpf

@studentasking234 FPF is only in Berkeley. There is no San Francisco option. Itā€™s literally right near campus.

@gamingftw453 lmao anyone can join the 5.1k iā€™m part of that one too and iā€™m not even in cal and thereā€™s a lot of upperclassmen and people who randomly requested to join it, they donā€™t check so itā€™s not the official one. the official one is run by student affairs and only lets actual admitted students in the page

I got in off the waitlist, but Iā€™ve decided against taking it for basically the same reasons as @WaitlistBoy. I may not be as much of a math prodigy as he is, but I have finished up to Calc II (highest my school offers) and was looking forward to getting into Linear Algebra. I donā€™t want to wait a semester and lose all the math ability I previously had. Pity though, since that Age of Dinosaurs course looks interesting. If you guys want, Iā€™ll wait until the last day to decline it so that I can report on how many waitlist spots are left, as I assume they stop showing it to you if you decline and it freezes if you accept.

@maglor1 Yes, please continue to update us if you can. Which college have you decided to attend?

It seems that L&S is in much need of candidates.