**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

You guys think the next wave will be on Friday or next Monday

How do you read replies?

@griffen14 sometime next week for sure maybe around Wednesday.

Also could someone update us abt FPF numbers

For those that committed off the waitlist, does ur deposit payment show up as unapplied in transactions? For some reason, I dont see the deposit pulling money from the bank account for confirmation.

are we not expecting a wave this week?

if there is my guess is it would be friday, since the deadline to commit for all those in the first wave is thursday.

This is my first time checking in on here after I wasn’t removed from the waitlist on Friday. I have definitely been warming up to the idea of going to UCSB:) I hope you are all warming up to your perspective schools as well because we all have a lot to be proud of. Being waitlisted at Berkeley marks us all as outstanding students. I personally believe that we will most likely see another wave this Friday. But honestly, what I have learned from all of this is that you truly cannot predict anything. Once I wrapped my mind around that idea, my college rejections/waitlists became a lot less frustrating/stressful to me.

@jaffa1 Do you happen to have any updates? Thank you so much for being so helpful throughout this process!

@hotcheetos33 yes ! warm up to the school youre going to but dont lose hope for berkeley!!

does anyone know the updated count for fpf and GE?

FPF: 436
GE: 73


@jaffa1 any updates?? Been counting on your updates and really stressed.

do you guys think there will be a good amount of instate acceptances in the next wave?

Considering the students who plan to take a gap year and/or drop out of Berkeley as well as the lower yield, I find it insanely hard to believe that Berkeley has absolutely 0 traditional spots left for L and S. Maybe they are trying to fill FPF first? Maybe they are adding traditional spots to FPF? I am not really sure, but I don’t think I am getting off the waitlist here.

I guess I have to go wallow in my depression about going to UCSC. If @jaffa1 s yield numbers were right, Berkeley should definitely have traditional spots left. I don’t understand what’s going on.

If one of the insiders could please help it’d be much appreciated.

@gamingftw453 maybe but I think it depends on the demographic that accepts during the first waves. I’m hoping more oos get in personally but ig we just have to wait and see

There will be 2 more waves. The next one is coming on either the 18th or 19th.


Are the waves both acceptance waves, or also rejection waves?

@jaffa1 any idea of the waves, whether they’ll be L and S or other colleges, and any idea of why there’s no traditional spots being offered for L and S?

@jaffa1 Any idea if these waves are gonna be tiny like the first one or will they pull more this time? I know I’m asking a lot and totally makes sense if you don’t know. Thanks for all the insider information!

@Senllri wait how do we know the first one was small? I mean I’m hoping it was so maybe there would be more acceptances the second wave