**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

Not sure how reliable Reddit is, but someone there mentioned that the first wave was small because Cal is trying to figure out how many people would SIR before they release a larger number of people off the waitlist for the next wave.

Imagine being waitlisted at Berkeley. Ha, couldnā€™t be me. I got ReJeCteD. Good luck to all

Sounds like UCs are following suit to Cal States. We all knew online and no sports would occur. Just very sad.

Not sure CC will allow the link to the article. Itā€™s a CNN article from May12.

@west2east20 Thank you for information!
Hmm, from the article it seems like most classes will be online with some exception. In that case, I guess dorms will be also closed and for international, does it mean we can do online from any country (like the country we live in)?

I have that 4 address glitch again. Itā€™s clear that it isnā€™t an indication of acceptance because I had it last time and didnā€™t get removed from the waitlist, but it still makes me excited to see any changes in my portal hahaha

yea the address glitch doesnā€™t mean anything but the faq glitch does.

Wish Iā€™d have any kind of glitch. My portal hasnā€™t changed since March.

also, Iā€™ve been hearing that the first wave was small from people but how can we be sure that this is true. I am trying not to get false hope like last time because if the first wave was indeed small then that probably is better for the second wave.

Lol. I have the 4 address glitch too. Unfortunately it means nothing.

I swear my portal has like never had a glitch ever. It actually is so concerning some times lol

@kash123 same. I know that those glitches donā€™t mean anything except the FAQ one but still bit concerning

A friendā€™s son got off the waitlist last week (IS L&S) and has already turned Berkeley down. Heā€™s sticking with UCSB. My daughter is on the waitlist (IS L&S) but sheā€™s already SIRā€™d to UCLA since getting off of the waitlist there and she would likely turn Berkeley down if offered a spot. You all have a decent shot this year, so please donā€™t lose hope. At the same time, if you donā€™t get in, itā€™s not the end of the world. You will be happy and successful at another school too! Hang in there.

@kash123 me too. Did people with 2 addresses get off last wave? Iā€™ve literally never had a glitchā€¦

Pessimistically, Iā€™d say that no glitches indicate that they havenā€™t even looked at your application yet giving MAP no reason to show an error. F

@collegeappacc I got off and only ever had 2 addresses. In my opinion it pretty much means nothing. I did have the FAQ glitch but I donā€™t think I had it the day decisions were released - they fixed it by then.

@kash123 I feel you. Iā€™m really starting to lose all hope in Berkeley especially after seeing how little people got off wave 2 last yearā€¦

wait what does the glitch have anything to do with admissions viewing our apps. Donā€™t they view all of them and then release the acceptance based on who they want?

@Cestdingue Congrats on your daughterā€™s acceptance to UCLA! Would she be withdrawing out of the Berkeley waitlist now then?

What is faq glitch exactly? what does it mean?

You daughter should withdraw from the waitlist if she is sure she is not going to attend! That way maybe one extra person can get off the waitlist during wave 2!