**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

@NovakStorm - I am also in the same boat. My sat and my grades were pretty average at least for UCB standards but I think y ECs and my essays were the reason I was put on at least the WL. I hope they really didn’t just put us on the WL and give us hope just to reject us lol

@kash123 @NovakStorm

I know multiple ppl who have gotten off the waitlist with below average GPA’s and SAT’s for Berkeley. Berkeley is truly hollistic, I know ppl at a 3.0-3.5 uw and a 3.7-4.0w who have gotten in and some off the WL.

Doesn’t seem like it this year, especially with IS :(((((((

do we know if the wave will favor IS or OOS?

Well I am oos with like pretty avg stats for UCB but I am hoping I can somehow get in.

I feel like i fudged up my waitlist essay and that’s why I didn’t get in the first wave. i thought it was good but I reread it and it feels like it was eh. so now I’m slowly losing hope for the second wave. sorry to be pessimistic, I’ve just been so out of it since not getting in.

other than the 300 fpf spots and the 50 ge spots, are there any other spots that ucb needs to fill or are those it?

@fingerscrossed24 You’ll have to email him to get in touch with him

I think those are the only spots available for LS. Idk about the other colleges tho as people may have decided not to go which may open up a few spots for like Coe or Coc.

@collegeappacc how did the people with low GPA’s do at Berk? What was their experience with getting off the WL and attending?

@NovakStorm They did beyond fine. They all have GPAs between 3.8 and 4.0 at Berkeley.

I believe all of us on the waitlist are as equally qualified to get in. There is a reason we are still on here and UCB sees something in all of us to potentially succeed there.

Isn’t it more like 350 and 70?

oh really? im pretty sure fpf was around 300 but you may be right.

fpf was like 321 and GE was around 70

fpf was around 320 and gel was around 70

@collegeappacc Do you know how their circumstances changed from Highschool to college? One of the biggest things Im worried about is even if I go to a prestigious school like Berkeley, I am really scared about if I will do well.

Of the people still waiting, have you had ANY changes to your portal since March 26?

@xtanyax other than the 4 address glitch which means nothing, I haven’t had anything

no glitches here