**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

Who is this insider? If it isn’t Jaffa then I am not sure if it is trustworthy. Also apparently a few people in this thread know a good amount f people that withdrew their acceptance from UCB so the third wave would have to account for those spots as well and not just fpf lol.

I still don’t think that’s a lot of ppl tho… ;(

Imean, it seems like the consensus is that the final wave will be the remainder of fpf people, which is all L&S. Cruel of UCB to pull such a minuscule amount from CoE and CoC but it also makes sense considering the school.

hey guys does anyone have any knowledge or predictions on how many people are gonna get in off of appeals this year

anyone try logging into berkeleys portal and getting “500 The page is temporarily unavailable” ?

Is it just me or is the portal unavailable for everyone ?

@gandharvnagrani it’s unavailable for me too

is something coming out today?

portaL unavailable for me

it’s back up for me now, but no glitches still

Some people had it unavailable? How long was it unavailable. Wonder if it means anything.

As in when stuff comes out.

A 500 error is something wrong with the servers-side. UCB probably had an issue with their portal’s coding. It might mean nothing and their server just went down or something changed like the next wave?

Well, that likely means the next wave is soon. I’m wondering if it only didnt work for those who are getting an update soon. @eeee2618 @stcloud9 @gandharvnagrani

What college/major are you guys? IS/OOS?

@collegeappacc i am OOS L&S hbu?

IS LS MCB lol. What major r u @eeee2618

@collegeappacc Biology+Business

@collegeappacc IEOR, CoE, intl

Just want to wish everyone else good luck before the next wave is announced, wish we could all get in

will the wave be tomorrow?

did anything happen