**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

I made an account just to comment on this thread

Waitlisted for the waitlist


Poor me. When I got waitlisted it felt so good; cal had +25% waitlisted acceptance rate. Regret not holding my hopes low. Good luck to all of you guys. Where are yā€™all going?

Georgia Tech

UDub unless Brown miraculously chooses to come through. UDub premed vs Berkeley premed would still be a really hard choice as Iā€™m not convinced abt Berkeley.

My state school-University of Arizona lol. Iā€™m planning on trying to transfer to a T20 once the pandemic dies down.

Did you guys read the appeal thread? Due to the wording of their email, they think every appealer was placed on the waitlist with us. Thatā€™s about 900 more people!!!

Yoo, Iā€™m going there too.


decisions were made for a reason, and Iā€™m pretty sure not every rejected candidate who chose to appeal will be seen the same as every waitlisted candidate. That wouldnā€™t make sense. They may have a seperate appeal waitlist, as some people have stated on that thread.

the fact that they even sent the email to appeal kids which is unheard of in all these years, I can only assume that there is something sus happening with their enrollment numbers. Trying to be optimistic, but they probably have some spots open and expert more to open up in the coming weeks due to the intl situation. Also, I have heard from many people and I know people personally that have been withdrawing from Berkeley daily which means that there are spots open. I believe this email was basically saying " we are gonna extend the waitlist through this month" and the only reason they emailed us yesterday was that they owed us some sort of notification regarding the WLs since it was past their curfew date, June 1. The waitlist as far as I know is not finalized and anything can happen int the coming weeks.

@scrambro @jaffa1 do either one of you have any information about this email/how many additional spots might open up in the next month?

it looks like appealers got another email today titled ā€œCORRECTIONā€ so ig theyā€™re still being considered but separate from us

Hereā€™s the email text:
ā€œWe sent you a message yesterday letting you the status of our class. We referenced anticipating notifying all students their waitlist status by the end of June 2020. This also applies to students who submitted an appeal to their admissions decision. You will still be under consideration should space become available.ā€

The only option I have is January enrollment, but is it guaranteed? It doesnā€™t make any sense for them to send me a formal letter of admission, ask me to pay my enrollment deposit and then not have any space for me to attend. If anyone knows anything about this please respond ASAP.

@plsadmitthanks I donā€™t have any new information. It is all purely speculation now. I can tell you that the class of 2024 FB pages donā€™t really have new posts. There could be rolling admissions (UCLA style) for a few weeks, if they are truly pushing out until the end of June. Like just ongoing, trickling notifications.

@Rarecreature101 If theyā€™re offering you January enrollment then itā€™s guaranteed. Itā€™s not like theyā€™re gonna offer you a spot and then take it away in January

so yesterday, FPF wasnā€™t an option for me (only January start), but when i checked a few minutes ago, it became an option! Butā€¦ before people talked about how it showed the number of spots available in each fall program, but it doesnā€™t show up for me. I signed up for it anyway because it allows me to select it, but Iā€™m just wondering if you guys still think I can get into FPF.

@akjerae1 there probably arenā€™t a whole lot of people on this board who can help you with that question about getting into FPF. You can check in with the UCB class of 2024 CC thread or maybe something on reddit.

Does everyone else who got in see fpf without a counter as well? @Rarecreature101 @nwolter

It really depends on how many spots open. If they announce everything is 100%? online, then international applicants will be less likely to attend because time zones would make them have class at 4 in the morning and such. Also, a lot of kids may not be able to obtain student visas, which could open a lot of spots. Some kids might change junior college Bc itā€™s free or a college that they could go to in person if it comes down to only online school. Other schools having the same waitlist need could really change it as well. If international students canā€™t come and Dartmouth and Harvard and that all need to take more waitlist kids, thereā€™s a good chance that quite a few Berkeley SIRed Berkeley students are on those waitlists and would go to an Ivy League/stanford/MIT instead of Berkeley. I donā€™t want to give any false hope; Iā€™m just trying to explain it

@collegeappacc yeah mine didnā€™t show the count. I selected it anyway earlier today and got an Fpf confirmation email a few hrs ago.