**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

anyone here going to slo?

literally have so much hatred right now for berkeley not neccessarily because I might get rejected now but the way they handled this whole proccess. really extended this drama for an additional two and a half months for nothing with barely any communication about what is happening in between

Does the fact the Berkeley has released its admissions data for this year mean that the process is officially over and all that is left to do is for them to ā€œreleaseā€ (reject) the remainder of the waitlist?

Also, in fairness, all of the top schools still have their waitlists open. A lot of students have been waiting a long time. Itā€™s been a rough year for the class of 2020.

@savethelemurs yeah, thatā€™s what i think. itā€™s just another indication the wl is over.

@savethelemurs @nitwittttttt The released data isnā€™t indication that the waitlist is closed because our numbers and demographics are included in the data. The waitlist is part of the numbers and accepting someone off the waitlist wonā€™t change any numbers.

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@sclayton Sorry I donā€™t understand, could you explain? How is waitlist included in the numbers?

Also, idk if Iā€™m experiencing something different from you guys so feel free to explain it to me, but I donā€™t understand the hate people in here are developing for Berkeley. Each time the waitlist was extended, it wasnā€™t them tricking us with the first date, it was them deciding, ā€œI think we can squeeze in more students, why cut it off now?ā€. Even if they were thinking financially, thatā€™s still good for us, they decided to give more students their dream or whatever. They never extended it to accept no one. And on the communication front, I donā€™t actually feel left in the dark. They (originally) said the end of June was the last day and before the end of June, they said they would extended it. That seems reasonable to me. They didnā€™t update us every day in between (actually they are now right? With the chats) and I get that people are anxious but I donā€™t know what you expect from a big company with a lot of unknowns right know.

The length of the wait has been long and aggravating, thatā€™s for sure. But other than some hours of other school online orientation that I wonā€™t get back, the length of the wait hasnā€™t affected much. Getting accepted in a week doesnā€™t feel that different from getting accepted a month ago or whatever. But maybe Iā€™m in a different boat than everyone else.

@sclayton i thought that the numbers include only the waitlisters that got offers of admission. not all of us.

@sclayton I agree, and yeah I donā€™t except them to update frequently. After all, they did still promise us what they said. But for me, getting accepted at this time would truly be way more gratifying.

So are we supposed to get an update today or are we waiting till next week?

Is it just me or did Berkeley update the format of their status portal?

they changed it mine changed too. Do you guys see any other glitches?

looks like they changed it back. For me at least.

So just nothing today? Iā€™m not even surprised anymore

my portal is glitching tf out rn like none of the images will load and thereā€™s a new image above the FAQ link but I cant see what it is. still the waitlist FAQ tho

I just checked the portal right now and nothing really changed on mine. is this an indication of a wave if you got the portal glitch.

@hesjeev wait lowk same lol

they changed mine again

wait do you guys all have the glitch? What does it look like cuz I just logged in again and honestly my portal is the same as it was before

It basically becomes all text