**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

For what it’s worth U Michigan let in a lot of out-of-state waitlist applicants today. CC posts are worth reading. People are shocked. I think we will see more of the same from other public universities soon (and maybe private too, but public will hurt the most financially). This is a very different year.

Hot take but most people posting on here really want to get into cal. I think that passion showed up in our waitlist essay and the rest of our application. The admissions committee are looking for people that genuinely want to attend and contribute to Berkeley and they are going to see that that’s who we are. I’m confident that we are going to see a lot of success getting of the waitlist so don’t lose hope!!

This is a couple of years old, but it states the policy of UC is to cap OOS students.


But with OOS/Intl students comes the need for housing, and Napolitano already stated a strategy to mitigate Covid risks would be not to allow triples and maybe doubles in dorms. So where will these students live? I’m confused!

Cal has a 24.4 OOS cap.

@west2east20 makes a very good point. Berkeley is a very dense city, and housing is at a premium. If they open the campus to some kind of modified teaching situation, but restrict dorm rooms to only doubles or even singles, there would be no guaranteed housing for freshmen. Berkeley is also a very old city and apartments vary in cost and quality. I know freshmen that were in apartments when I was there, but the vast majority were in the dorms. An apartment could be a little stressful to deal with as a freshman.


Anybody know around what time of the day the waitlist decision will be out? Is it gonna be the same as the March 26th?

It’s definitly going to be earlier. Umich already took people off the waitlist and most schools have been doing that too.

yeah my friend just got off waitlist at UCSC when it’s supposed to be out during June. For the schools that have already admitted some ppl off waitlist, do they just send an email out of nowhere? I feel like I need to be prepared for it lmaoooo

damn, in that case, we all got to be prepared. I just don’t want to wait any longer anymore because I have mixed feelings about where I’m gonna go still.

Does anyone think that there’s any chance of some people getting removed from the UCB waitlist today? I have been following some other UC threads, and noticed that some people have already been accepted from UCSB’s waitlist even though UCSB originally said that they would let waitlist applicants know after May 1 (just like what UCB said). I have also noticed that the admits from the waitlist at UCSB seem to be mostly OOS, but I can’t say for sure because I am only referring to what a small number of admits have reported. It doesn’t look like too many have been removed from the waitlist yet. Some people are predicting that decisions from OOS/international waitlist applicants will be released before decisions for in-state applicants, but I’m not really sure why people are predicting that. I feel like if no waitlist decisions come out today, then they definitely won’t be released until after May 1 because commitment day is exactly one week from today, and I doubt schools will want to give admits less than one week to commit. I would love to hear y’all’s thoughts about all of this!

Also, does anyone know what time of day Berkeley has released waitlist decisions in the past??

@hotcheetos33 So far UCSB and UCD waitlists have admitted a very small number of only out of state and international students based on Reddit and the other CC threads. I know UCSB did two small waves over Wednesday and Thursday but nothing big yet. Last year, UCSD released a big wave of decisions for both OOS and In-state students on April 26, 4 days before SIR and still expected those people to respond by May 1 so although it is unlikely, they definitely can release them next week and still expect a decision by May 1.

@hotcheetos33 and if I remember correctly from last year’s Cal thread, they release are 3-4pm but everyone who was going to be admitted that day had a portal glitch in the morning that showed Admit FAQs instead of Applicant FAQs so that kind of gave it away.

I got off the U Mich waitlist yesterday–they gave me a May 8 deadline for SIR. $51k tuition for, what is looking like, online classes is pretty steep. Hoping for good news from Cal.

@homosapiens Thank you for the info that’s super helpful!!! I’m really hoping we all get some good news before May 1 so we don’t have to loose that deposit money!!

Has anyone had any changes to their Decision FAQ? As @homosapiens said, it gave it away before the actual decisions came out last year. I’m still stuck on what I had since March 26. How many addresses you guys got lol?

I’ve been checking my portal very frequently lol. Everything’s still the same and I have two addresses.

@RifaSanj same and same RIP.