**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

Say if Berkeley actually releases WL decisions next week, which day of the week will make most sense for them to do that?

as an oos waitlist applicant for L&S, this gives me hope but for some reason I feel like many oos and international students that were admitted are most likely gonna go. I know from my school the 4 people that were admitted are all committing and Iā€™ve seen numerous FB posts of international students committing. While these numbers may not be as large in the grand scale of applicants I can only assume that most kids arenā€™t gonna turn down the opportunity to go to UCB.

There are some theories that less international/OOS people are going to commit than usual because lots of families are struggling with money during these times, so lots of students are predicted to be attending state schools on a full ride as opposed to prestigious, out of state schools like Berkeley. I saw an international student post on Reddit that she got into Berkeley, but her parents didnā€™t want her to go to the US for college during these uncertain times. I would assume that there are a lot of families in the same position. Itā€™s horrible honestly. I feel really bad for anyone who canā€™t afford to go to their dream school or is too scared to come to the US for college this year. But itā€™s something to consider.

Also, one thing that is giving me hope is the fact that the Berkeley facebook group has fewer members than usualā€¦I noticed that they currently only have a little over 3,800 members. Last year, the Berkeley Class of 2023 facebook group had over 6,000 members. Also, the current UCLA facebook group has 4,700 members (much more than Berkeley currently has). I think itā€™s fair to assume that a good amount of students who got into Berkeley also got into UCLA, and now that the US News Report moved UCLA to the #1 public school spot, itā€™s quite possible that more students than usual are choosing UCLA over Berkeley. Just trying to give us some hope!!!

Where are yā€™all going to commit if Berkeley doesnā€™t work out?:slight_smile: Iā€™m trying to start getting more excited about my more realistic options. Iā€™m still deciding between Tulane, UMiami, and UCSD.

As I had mentioned earlier, I currently have my deposit down for Vanderbilt. But, I am keeping a waitlist spot at UCB, UCLA, and Rice, all of which that I would rather go to than my current option.

I ave my deposit down for northeastern but I am keeping my options open in case I get a spot at UCB. I also appealed to USC but not expecting anything from them.

Committed to Rice. Waitlisted at Caltech, Columbia, Brown, Harvey Mudd, CMU, Berkeley. If I get into one of my other waitlists I probably will choose them over Berkeley

@maglor1 what major? are you instate or OOS? those are some insane schools, and rice is pretty top as well

Iā€™m American but I go to school abroad, so Iā€™m not really sure if I count as OOS or international. I applied for CS, and obviously itā€™s tough to beat Berkeley as Berkeley CS is top 4 anywhere in the US, but I kinda prefer smaller schools so Iā€™m not really sure if Iā€™d go to Berkeley if I had other options. May even end up picking Rice over Berkeley, but Iā€™m not sure about that and no use counting chickens before they hatch

Anyone committed to UIUC for engineering???

@waitlistboy Iā€™m from Nashville, and I can assure you that Vanderbilt is a beautiful campus and Nashville is super fun. Super prestigious too. I hope your waitlists work out though!

@hotcheetos33 good analysis re: Facebook. Am I correct in assuming that if you are ACCEPTED in to Cal, then you get an invite to join the FB page? I have to assume that a lot of those on the 2024 UCB FB page are students who were admitted and just getting a feel for who else was admitted, talking to students, but not necessarily all enrolling.

Somewhat related - assuming that last years WL numbers are the same as this years, 7500 were offered spots and 3900 opted-in. That 3900 number was counted on April 15th. But by May 7th, how many of those 3900 were still on the WL? (Meaning, how many left the WL to enroll elsewhere). 1100 students offered spots. Iā€™m just wondering if by May 7th, the 3900 had dwindled down.

@scrambro I have joined a few facebook pages for schools that I have been admitted to, so the way it works is that if you were admitted to Berkeley, you can send a request to be accepted into the group, and some administrator checks your name before accepting you into the group. I agree with you that there are probably quite a few people in the FB group that arenā€™t 100% committed to Berkeley and just getting a feel for everythingā€¦In the FB groups that Iā€™m in, lots of people will post things saying, ā€œIā€™m not 100% committed yet, but ~this school~ is one of my top choices,ā€ so Iā€™m sure itā€™s similar in the Berkeley group! I personally think the lower-than-usual number of people in the group is a good sign for us.

And that second point is actually really interestingā€¦I hadnā€™t thought about that. Iā€™m sure the number of opt-ins is definitely lower by the time May 7th comes around. And honestly, Iā€™m sure plenty of people opt-in to the waitlist just because they are curious to see if they get off and not because they actually want to go. Iā€™m also wondering how many wait-list opt-ins choose not to write the essay because it is labeled as ā€œoptional.ā€ Iā€™m sure itā€™s not too many, but I have a feeling that those people are automatically removed from the waitlist because Berkeley is going to try to admit people from the waitlist who they think will definitely enroll.

out of the out of the 11 people i know who got accepted, i think only 2 of them have joined the facebook group. even though it gives me hope that the numbers are low, i donā€™t wanna get too excited. waitlisted L&S in state

So if there are about 3000 facebook group members, how many undergrad freshmen does Berkeley plan to enroll every year?

So, from what I hear is that UCB overenrolled last year, and the only reason the WL acceptance remained fairly high is because they had to fill programs, such as FPF and GEL. As such, the WL acceptance would have fallen significantly if not for that. For this reason, I heard UCB accepted less students as a whole this year, so they donā€™t run into the issue. The person who told me this claimed it was coming from Berkeley, but Iā€™m not sure. Does anyone know of this.

And if this is true, then the WL accept should be good this year for everyone, and corona will make it very very high?

It does seem like many students reported drops from their school, and even from mine, students who got into Berkeley usually had gotten an ivy accept?

Any idea?

@phatdoggo I heard 6900 enrolled last year, I think target would be between 6400-6500

according to this link:

Berkeleyā€™s enrollment target was projected to be 6,476 last year

Not really sure of what to expect this year with COVID-19. Hopefully someone can shed some light on this!

if UCB under enrolling this year is true then that has to be good news for all WL people

Is there any evidence that UCB under enrolled? That would be pretty ideal for the wait list. I hope they give us some movement atleast in the next two weeks.