**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

hmm, I guess there’s anecdotal evidence from a lot of ppl on this CC. @homosapiens how was UCB admissions from your school?

the trend fits at my school, I only know of 2 seniors who were accepted, significantly fewer than last year.

However, rationally it makes no sense for UCB to have under-enrolled this year amid all of the coronavirus induced uncertainty.

@Student11223311 Berkeley announced all freshman decisions were made to someone on reddit, mid february - they wouldn’t have had time to adjust for the COVID uncertainty certainly

AND the trend fits in with your school, and most other CCers on here. R u instate?

I don’t know the exact stats for Berkeley, but Rice and Brown have both actually taken about 15-30 students less this year. Seems weird to me, but that’s how it is I guess. Possible that Berkeley also under-enrolled and takes heavily off the waitlis

I’m oos and my school admitted 4 people, more than usual

I’m oos and I think 2 people from my school were admitted, but I think one of them is going to Yale and one is going to USC

@hotcheetos33 how many ppl from your school typically are admitted?

I’m also oos, I know of only one person admitted to cal this year which is way down from the previous year (I think 3 or 4). That person is committed to NYU. We also had more than double the applicants this year (from 11 to 25).

@collegeappacc I would say that usually around 3 students from my school are admitted each year, but my school is tiny…There are about 50 students in my senior class. Last year, 3 students were admitted, but 1 ended up going to UCLA, one went to Vanderbilt, and one is currently at Berkeley. Just from my school’s stats, it would be hard to tell if Berkeley admitted fewer than usual this year because they still admitted 2 from my school…but I really hope they admitted fewer.

I genuinely believe that this is going to be a good year for waitlists. I know that USC and some other schools admitted wayyyy more than usual this year because they were nervous about how COVID-19 would affect enrollment, but I doubt that UC schools would admit more than usual. Of course a school that costs as much as USC would admit more than usual (because it’s less likely that people will be able to afford their tuition). But UC schools are actually pretty affordable, as far as college goes…Especially for in-state students, which make up 90% of their undergrad, so I doubt they would feel the need to admit more than usual this year.

@collegeappacc I go to a tiny school like 15-20 min from Cal and our class size is pretty small and then the amount of students eligible to even apply for Berkeley or any UC is even smaller. From as far as I know, nothing seemed out of the ordinary but we always have like 3-5 people get in so any less than that wouldn’t seem like a significant change. I’m not sure how many were waitlisted besides me but I was pretty surprised to be waitlisted to be honest since my stats were lowers than what I thought was “Berkeley worthy” but then again this whole process seemed to be pretty random. Thought I didn’t have any shot at UCLA or UCB but I’m somehow on their waitlist and thought I would atleast get into one of the four mid-tiers but here I am on their waitlists too.

I also heard that UCs over enrolled or somehow made up for the potential of COVID-19 messing with the enrollment but to be honest, I don’t think most people realized the reality of the pandemic until March (March 13 is when our school closed and we’re in-state) so I feel like its very unlikely that they had made the decisions in time to realize they need to over enroll.

@homosapiens Berkeley had announced to someone who called that all freshman admisisons decisions had been finalized in February (right after presidents day). People were still travelling at that point, the gravity of the situation wasn’t truly noted.

Also, according to nearly everyone on here, UCB admitted less students than usual. There’s no way 10+ people saying it can be a coincidence.

They review apps mainly thru December, Jan, and the beginning of Feb ig, there’s no way they could have compensated.

Also: if they had compensated, why would they keep talking about “the uncertainty and importance of fall enrollment”, as well as “the agressive approach to admissions and yield”

Basically, there’s no way almost everyone on here is wrong, and I’m fairly sure based on this thread that UCB underenrolled if anything - certainly not overenrolled.

@homosapiens where’d you hear that? I mean, I’m not sure about other UC’s, but it seems super unlikely for Berkeley considering this thread as well as what they’ve said.

@collegeappacc I agree with you on all your points that actually is exactly what I think - I meant with my previous post that some people (not me) were assuming UCs overenrolled to meet their target (I heard this from a couple of my friends and some random commenters on Reddit) but I don’t think they had time to consider overenrolling since they had probably already made the decision before they could realize they need to change their enrollment strategy. In other words, they probably did under enroll since COVID wasn’t really a big thing until after it was too close to releasing decisions

I’m instate and it seems like they accepted a few more people that they usually do

@blackcat2 how many do you think they typically admit from your school/this year, just to get an idea

also according to my rejected friend, the rejection FRQ as well as some press release confirms they didn’t over accept? apparently? not 100% on that

UCs don’t set a cap on the number of applicants they take from a certain school. So I don’t think comparing the number of kids that got in from a certain school really matters in this instance when trying t find out if they under-enrolled or overenrolled.

Someone correct me if I’m wrong tho

My son’s Bay Area school would probably be a good barometer because it typically gets 40-50 students a year admitted. I’m sorry to say that he has no idea how many were admitted this year, although there are a few instances of students that he thought would be admitted who were flat out denied.

@kash123 correct. There is no cap per high school. I believe the sentiment is that overall, people are reporting lower admissions at their schools, signifying an overall lower amount of admits.

If UCB wants to release decisions before May 1st, it has to be either today or tomorrow right