**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

Hi all,

I submitted my waitlist opt in form at 1 AM EST (10 PM PST) which is before the deadline but it says “submitted on 4/16” for me. Is that just because of my local timezone?

I’m also still able to edit my opt in form. Is this normal? Are you all able to edit your forms as well?

I’m very worried, if you guys could help me it’d be great.

@RWR8910 I think you should be fine!! I submitted mine on 4/7 , but I am also still given the option to edit my opt-in form.

Wait Guys, According to someone I know, the rejection letter says they accepted less than 13,000 this year (in the FAQ or something)

@RWR8910 I submitted mine on 4/6 and I can still edit it, so I don’t think it’s anything too serious

Berkeley admitted 14,668 freshmen and 4,882 transfer students last year…But they admitted around 15,000 total freshmen and transfer students this year…That sounds like good news for us, right? But then again, 15,000 seems oddly low…lower than it has been for the past few years.

Lol, I get really optimistic when reading everyone’s posts but then I get all depressed again by the time I read the last few lines.

Do you think this applies to College of Engineering as well, or just L&S? My Son is in state, WL for EECS, which, even though he seems very qualified and competitive to stats of admitted students, still seems like it could b a long shot?

Just verified from a friend who was not admitted – the rejection FAQ states only 13,000 were offered admission

@hotcheetos33 , but many students over here have said that around 65-80% of the typically admitted students at their school were admitted. I have a math class taken at a California CC (Linear algebra) and students in that class have said that transfer accepts also seemed lower than usual

Yea I def agree that not many international students are really making drastic changes to their plan to enroll in UCB just yet but then again there are only a few more days left for the deadline, so most of them have had to make a decision by now. Also if they really did admit 13,000 freshmen then they def did admit less than usual and even then not all of them are even gonna enroll so that has to be good for WL right? I got waitlisted oos for L & S but I also marked FPF. Do you guys know if UCB usually lets in a good amount of oos for L &S or atleast the FPF?

But what could be the reason for Berkeley to admit fewer freshmen this year?

@Sisternight from earlier of this thread some ppl mentioned that last year UCB overenrolled, therefore this year they might’ve under-enrolled (plus they didn’t anticipated the virus since they made their decision mid-February). So this should be good news for all of us on the WL.

Most applicants taken off the waitlist are L&S, you can be absolutely sure of that. I am also waitlisted for L&S but I didn’t mark FPF. I feel like I should have. But I saw many people say on Reddit that a lot of them didn’t mark FPF and still got off the waitlist but got FPF as one of their options or only option. So I guess it can be a little effective in getting you off the waitlist but not much since at the end of the day, you may not check it and still get it as your only option.

Sorry, please explain how this would waitlisted people. If they are just taking fewer students overall, how does that help?

*how this would help waitlisted people

@Sisternight Well if they underenrolled people, plus the impact of the virus, their freshman class size might not meet their expectation, therefore they will go deeper into their waitlist to fill the class.

tbh i don’t know anymore. As an oos, I’m obviously kinda biased so I’m hoping UCB follows through the trend that’s going on rn with colleges accepting lots of oos applicants from their WL.

Hey does anyone know if first-semester senior grades will be looked at the same? I got waitlisted and I sent them my essay(I wanted to post it here but I am not sure if it is safe too) but I didn’t send my first semester grades because they were worse than what I normally get.

I am scared because my grades were never the best, and I know that it wasn’t the reason I was waitlisted at Berkeley, so I was wondering if that would hurt my application. If I do get into Berkeley and then get rescinded can I explain the extraneous circumstances as to why my senior grades dropped a lot?

Question: So, I’ve seen a lot of people mention that most people who get off the waitlist are from L&S. As someone in CNR, that worries me a little. So I’m wondering…Is L&S the most popular college at Berkeley? Is the reason that more people get off the waitlist from L&S because more people applied to L&S? Does anyone know the percentage of Berkeley students in L&S versus CNR or EECS? I’m just trying to figure out how close the rate of waitlist admits is across the different colleges.

@hotcheetos33 so L and S has a program called FPF, which they need to fill. Very few out of the around 900 FPF students are RD admits - the rest are WL admits. This opens a lot of extra spots for L and S students, coupled with the traditional spots. Other colleges only have traditional spots