**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

@harvardptonwlboi Ohhh I hadn’t thought about that!! Okay thank you sm that makes sense.

Another theory is that Berkeley admitted fewer students in the first round and waitlisted a lot of students so that they can more carefully manage enrollment and avoid over enrollment. There is a lot of unpredictability because of COVID, so heavy use of the waitlist will allow UCB to manage enrollment in waves.

@Sisternight atleast from my school, and what I’ve heard, a healthy dose of people were denied to Berkeley, and a normal amount waitlisted. Berkeley always has a pretty large number of waitlisted students, so I believe they waitlisted the normal amount of students. COVID almost certainly did not factor into Berkeley’s admissions decisions

Also, Berkeley’s biggest issue last year was housing. Far more transfer applicants than intended accepted Berkeley’s offer as well apparently. They didn’t admit anyone from the transfer waitlist. Berkeley has had huge financial impacts from COVID, and they are offering online classes and stopped guarunteeing housing. Perhaps Berkeley will enroll slightly more than their target for the incoming class, to account for some students taking gap years, and also without the massive housing issue


OOS may increase, but I don’t think it’ll be like other publics. As previously noted, Berkeley’s name brand, particularly international name brand is unparalelled. Students would do a lot of things to come to Berkeley as noted. Some countried may have lower yield, however.

I think in state yield will also drop a little bit but not a huge amount.
I’m sure theyll take in state and OOS.

Berkeley took a lot of in state students last year, I don’t think that will change, and what could change is them taking some more OOS.

Hey does anyone know if first-semester senior grades will be looked at the same? I got waitlisted and I sent them my essay(I wanted to post it here but I am not sure if it is safe too) but I didn’t send my first semester grades because they were worse than what I normally get.

I am scared because my grades were never the best, and I know that it wasn’t the reason I was waitlisted at Berkeley, I am almost positive it was because of my Extracurriculars, so I was wondering if that would hurt my application if I focused more in extracurriculars in my waitlist essay. If I do get into Berkeley and then get rescinded can I explain the extraneous circumstances as to why my senior grades dropped a lot?

@NovakStorm as long as your grades were C’s and above, and/or passing for this semester, they can’t rescind you if you get in the school.

@goin2college0 Thank you for clarifying!

So if I hypothetically get into the school then would first and second sem senior grades not matter at all, if they were passing or higher?

Also, I noticed that there was one spelling mistake in my waitlist essay, and I corrected it and updated my application. Would that delay my application update from appearing on May 1st?

@NovakStorm: UCB’s provisional admission contract has stated for the last several years, that you need to maintain a cumulative unweighted GPA of 3.0 with no more than 2 C’s for Senior year. So if admitted, you will held to this provisional contract.

@NovakStorm I feel the same way. I got grades first semester worse than what I normally do and I’m really scared as well. I didn’t submit my first semester grades and also someone said that they know 3 ppl that got accepted off and didn’t submit them so I hope they don’t look at them that much!

what do you guys think the chances are that UCB releases them before May 1st. I haven’t done much research into it but more and more schools have been taking kids off their waitlist as of late. In my opinion, I feel like UCB will release them around May 8th as usual because I feel like enrollment won’t change too drastically for UCB considering that most people won’t turn it down.

Also, I’ve been hearing that a good amount get off the WL for L&S and if not then FPF but do you guys know the chances for oos in general for this college. Ik for instate it has to be very high but I’m worried that they may not take as many oos so just curious.

@kash123 , I definitely think that, based strictly on past years, it’s most likely that decisions will come out during the first week of May…I’m really hoping that it will be different this year, but I think the best plan would be to commit to a different school and start getting excited about it. Then, when Berkeley decisions come out, maybe your plans will change! But maybe during this waiting time, you will find out some stuff about the schools where you have been accepted that make you really excited for college whether it’s Berkeley or not. :slight_smile: Just trying to alleviate some stress. Can’t say I’m doing the best at following my own advice because I have checked the Berkeley portal multiple times today hahah

Also, I just checked the UCLA waitlist group, and none have them have heard back about waitlists yet which is weird because UCLA sent out a lot of their waitlists decisions last year on April 23rd… I wonder what’s going on with that.

@homosapiens 13,000 freshmen? or transfer and freshmen combined?

@phatdoggo 13,000 freshmen

I’m praying to God everyday that all of us who really wants to attend UC Berkeley will get accepted off the waitlist this May (: Please do so as well for your fellow waitlisters! The more prayers the better!

So earlier in this thread, a few people mentioned how they checked “FPF” on their waitlist opt-in to show that they would be willing to do that program if admitted from the waitlist. When I filled out my waitlist form, there was no section where I could check a box about the Global Edge London Program or FPF. I had been confused every time someone brought that up because, although I know what each of them are, I never had a section on my opt-in form where I could select either of those options. I just went back on my waitlist form to see if I missed it, and all it shows are my 7th semester grades, my essay, and where I confirmed the waitlist offer. And then I submitted it. Where did it include the part about FPF for y’all??

@hotcheetos33 those options are only for L&S applicants. I assume you didn’t apply to L&S?

@phatdoggo I’m CNR…I thought that the options were just for L&S applicants, but I just checked the waitlist FAQ and it says, “applicants to the College of Letters and Science and the College of Natural Resources may receive an offer that comes in the form of an offer to join Fall Program for Freshman or the Global Edge London program to start their Berkeley career.” So now I’m confused…Maybe they admit some from CNR if they have extra space ?

roughly 5,000 of the ENROLLED Freshman are in L & S. That leaves only 1,500 or so for the remaining colleges (Engineering, Chem, CNR, Env Design etc). So most WL admits would go to L & S by far. I don’t know if an even HIGHTER percentage of L & S students are taken from the WL than that which makes up the student body, but L & S is already close to 80% of the incoming class.

@Gumbymom do you know how pass or fail grades will account into this?

@NovakStorm: I cannot tell you for sure how P/F grades will be handled regarding the GPA requirement but I would imagine that the 3.0 unweighted GPA and no more than 2 C’s Senior year provision would only apply to 1st semester Senior year and they would be lenient on the 2nd semester. As long as all classes are Passed, there should be no issue.