**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

I hope chances for international is high as well as OOS and In-State

Maybe it’s an advantage to us UCB waitlisters for UCLA to release first? People who get in there will have to commit by May 1, and if they also get in UCB next week, they would have to pay a second deposit to change their commitment from UCLA to UCB.

@scrambro I understood that total in-state enrollees were tracking down 1.5%. The numbers I provided were directly from the regent. The analysis was my own–I extrapolated, from the numbers provided, that because there was such a significant international shortfall, that some of that would have to be made up with in-state. I am unaware, however, what the number of OOS students is on the waitlist.

Wait, but if International acceptance is down, wouldn’t it make sense to fill up the quota with international students? Why do you think that OOS students would be selected above of intl students?

@dan2elCh5 I’m assuming that they will probably try to fill up to quota with both OOS and international students. It’s possible that if international enrollment is actually down 70%, they will accept a lot more international students than usual from the waitlist in fear that less than usual will enroll after being admitted from the waitlist. They will probably also accept a lot of OOS students because they could be more likely to enroll than international students (if the 70% thing is accurate) to make sure they get as many people paying full-tuition as possible. I’m sure that they are especially looking for OOS/international students who expressed in their waitlist essay that they would definitely enroll at Berkeley if admitted. This is all speculation, but it would make sense to me.

@Dan2elCh5 My supposition was that, to make up the 70% international shortfall, both OOS & international would be taken. However, I speculate that because the overwhelming majority of international are from China, and the Chinese student Visa issues may not be resolved prior to Fall, OOS will be leaned on heavily to compensate. I further speculate that in-state will be dipped into deeper than usual for 3 reasons: 1) there may not be enough OOS on the wait list to make up for the 70% international shortfall; 2) in-state yield is slightly down; and 3) I believe they’ll admit more than usual to compensate for the belief that not all admittees will show up in Fall for virtual learning.

@hotcheetos33 Haha thanks. That does put my mind to rest somewhat. Now I’m worried that I didn’t appeal my desire enough despite having written that berkeley is my “absolute first-choice dream school” and has a “CS program which is second to none” lmao. Time to hope for the best and expect the worst I guess.

@Dan2elCh5 - I didn’t directly mention that UCB if my first choice in my waitlist essay because I treated slightly differently by talking about more info about myself and what makes who I am. I m pretty sure all international and oos students are treated equally and by opting into the waitlist itself ur indicating interest that you want to attend UCB.

Would that mean good news for non-Chinese international applicants??

Does that mean international students from other countries apart from China have a better shot?


did they say if they expect In state yield to go up, and if they had planned to go into their waitlist originally. And is there a high chance that in state yield goes up?

Also, corona was not accounted for in admissions decisions at UCB right

@Dan2elCh5 @RifaSanj @chianger531 I would suspect that students from all countries are going to have difficulty securing visas to the US for the Fall, (that’s a total guess) and considering that there will almost certainly be no classes on campuses this Fall, i would imagine more international students would stay home until the spring.

@collegeappacc I was not told whether or not there was an expectation that in-state yield would increase–only that, to date, it was tracking down very slightly. I was told that admissions decisions were made prior to the crises and, therefore, they did not accept a greater number of applicants in anticipation of low yield.

Does the releasing of the first wave of decisions include non-L&S applicants?

Hi can someone please answer my question? Thanks :slight_smile: →

I want to provide one more update to Berkeley that I didn’t include in my original essay (and it currently doesn’t fit). Is there a way to let them know somehow?

@fakesnek The only way for you to let them know at this point would be by emailing them about it. Considering the fact that they will only take your application, recent grades and waitlist essay into account, sending them an email about your update might not really help much. And I also read people saying that we shouldn’t send anything beyond what has been asked.

Can I update waitlist opt in right now or is that too risky? I was going to include my last semester grades, but they lowered my GPA so I didn’t, but this year my semester grades are better so I wanted to show improvement. What should I do?

@Cupcakes833 It seems to be risky, and I think applications have already seem to have been looked at. Also, UC said they will not consider this semester grades for anything.

It seems like risk w/o a real reward

Maybe berkeley won’t release their first wave early because they’re uncertain about how GEL and FPF are gonna be in case the first semester is online?

I just wish we had a solid date so I could stop checking my portal 24/7:(