**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

sorry guys I was going off of what @disconhaze said

UCLA has not done IS. OOS done yesterday.

Do yā€™all think the decisions will come out at 3pm today?

@kr99977 probably not since thereā€™s no portal change. I donā€™t think Cal is taking anyone off the waitlist until after May 1.

Yeah nobody has reported any changes to their portal w the FAQ so I doubt itā€™s coming out today:(

Oh oops sorry guys. Got confused.

Itā€™s painful to submit a down payment to another school when thereā€™s a chance that I might end up at a different school and loose the moneyā€¦I just committed to another school (because Berkeley likely wonā€™t come out until after May 1) and it was $1,000!!! Praying Berkeley pulls through for all of usā€¦but still a bummer to loose the money.

@hotcheetos33 where did you commit to?

I am just trying to tell myself that I wont get off and should just fall in love with where I have committed.

@waitlistboy Tulane! Iā€™m sure I will enjoy it there because they are ranked very highly for having the happiest students, but I canā€™t help but keep checking my Berkeley portal 24/7 hahaha

do we get an email notification or is it just posted on the portal directly if decisions were to come

@firmament2x over at the UCLA site has been posting some phenomenal statistics regarding enrollment yield based off of accepted numbers. I wonā€™t even begin to try to do what he did for this page, but I will post something that should be interesting to everyone on the WL.

weā€™ve already heard that the OVERALL number of admits THIS year was around 13000. But lets go off of last years numbers.

Yield % refers to the percentage of students who were admitted that actually enrolled. (e.g 9,336 instate admits, 4,634 enrolled = ~50%)

UCB 2019

In-Stā€¦ ~50% 4,634
OOSā€¦ ~29% 972
Intlā€¦~54% 848

OK. So, if we are now considering 2020, we are already making some qualified assumptions, the two big ones being that total freshman admits are ~13,000, AND thanks to @jaffa1, Intl. enrollment is down 70%

Also, Letā€™s assume that the WL is like last years, with 4,000 students (liberal estimate) opting in. If the break down of the WL is like the student body, then we have:

UCB WL 2020 Residency breakdown Table (4,000 opt ins)

Groupā€¦WL %

Instateā€¦72% 2872
OOSā€¦15% 600
Intlā€¦13% 520

So, (Iā€™m going to attempt to extrapolate here. Feel free to offer other ideas), if International enrollment is indeed down 70%, then that means there would only be (VERY liberally) 300 international freshman enrolled by May 1st. That means that they would need to add over 500 international students. With only 520 estimated on the current WL, there most likely wonā€™t be enough intl. students willing to enroll.

THEN, letā€™s guess that they would go to the OOS next, to try to make up some of the tuition and empty spots left by a lack of intl. students. Well, we have to assume that OOS enrollment is down too. So the university is going to have to make up a ton of international students AND OOS students, who many of which are not willing to either pay tuition for online school (I know many people on this board are ok with it), or even be able acquire a visa to travel here.

All of this adds up to just about EVERY Intl and OOS student on the WL getting an offer, as well as a big spill over into the In-state pool to try to fill out the student body.

taking it one step further, if you count 2 InState students = 1 OOS student in terms of tuition, they may need to OVER enroll the instates to get the money they need for their budget. (and deal with the repercussions of over enrolling later)

My conclusion is that the WL will get used like never before, and even appeals students will be let in at a higher rate.

Feel free to interpret other ways. Iā€™m taking Optimistic Street.

and watch me be that only kid who does not get off the WL as OOS and be depressed

Damn, I REALLY hope youā€™re right. That would basically mean waitlisted international students for L&S are basically guaranteed admission. Sweet JESUS let this be true. Unfortunately, I highly doubt it. If 13000 were offered admission, that would mean that they probably waitlisted a lot more people than before. Also, I think that a 70% decrease in intl enrollment is a stretch. A lot of international people seem to indicate that people at their schools are enrolling at UCB at similar rates as last year. Who knows though, enrollment is definitely down at my school. Around 9~10 people were accepted (6 in 2 previous years) and 4 are going(similar to last year), while the number of waitlisted people is much higher at 7~8.

I am a student on the waitlist. I spoke to an admissions officer and they specifically told me that there will be more students admitted off the waitlist this year than ever before. With that being said, thatā€™s over 54%, the percentage in 2018. So good luck everyone!

@Dan2elCh5 I think itā€™s been repeated in this thread that UCB didnā€™t have time to adjust their number of admitted/waitlisted students for coronavirus before March 26, so itā€™s quite possible that the number of waitlisted students continues to be similar/the same. I think they just lowered their overall enrollment target for this year because of housing problems they had in previous years, meaning they would decrease number of admits while keeping waitlist numbers the same. As @scrambro said, they will probably have to increase this enrollment target significantly to compensate for their loss of funding, housing payments for online semesters, etc., meaning (hopefully) that the waitlist will be used much more often, for both in-staters and OOS/Intā€™l.

@kevadunn I really really really really really really hope youā€™re right. I just need this one win. With my luck though, Iā€™ll probably be the minority that wonā€™t be accepted off the waitlist LMAO.

am I the only one not getting a call?.. :frowning:

@jeen123 What call? The people who talked to admissions officers were the ones making the calls I think.

@kevadunn did you call the admissions office? did they say anything more specific? did they say anything about the timeline?