**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

@Cestdingue do yoy know what time she got the email? and her stats if possible?

She hasnā€™t heard from Cal yet. Only UCLA. Sorry, Iā€™m on both threads and trying to do too many things at once.

Looks like UCLA is moving rather fast, thereā€™s a wave almost every day.

Congrats on UCLA! As a parent, I am wondering if your student got an email when the portal was updated for coming off the waitlist for UCLA, or did s/he just check the portal to find out?

Jeez Cal. Do you ALWAYS have to be different??? Just release a wave. Please.

Is there a chance theyā€™ll release later today? Like how they released decisions in the evening

@oskithebear thank you! We checked the portal when we saw that people were announcing their IS waitlist acceptances. Still not sure about the email because my daughterā€™s in class at the moment. People on the UCLA chat are saying they got an email.

Thank you!!!

Iā€™m just wondering if there is any word/or any type of estimate when Berkeley usually releases the waitlist decisions. Is there a recommendable way to reach out to admissions? Any answers would be very helpful and best of luck to everyone!

will colleges in general release waitlist decision on the weekend?

u can contact them by filling out this form: https://apply.berkeley.edu/register/?id=ff496534-4f86-4a76-8df6-b05f9780cb66 .
if anyone contacts them regarding when decisions will come out/ how the waitlist will be utilized this year, please lmk! the anxiety is killing meee

if they were to announce them today, what time would they be releasing decisions? 3:30 pst? also, i donā€™t think that cal would tell us over the weekend:(

I really think theyā€™ll wait till next week, esp since a lot of people getting off the UCLA waitlist might be switching from Cal to UCLA, as well as with other universities so they might want to wait till next week when they have a better picture so they can do one huge wave.

Iā€™m definitely thinking that next Monday would be the earliest that we could possibly hear back. And it would probs be around 3:00 PST because thatā€™s when it was last year.

It was in the morning. Stats are 34 ACT and 4.23 weighted GPA from a rigorous private school. She had straight As this year.

@chanimalman, UCLA, not Cal.

so no waitlist decisions today im guessing?

I guess not. Unless all of us got rejected haha


WaitListBoy: Rice, UCB and UCLA over Vandy? Is that for $$ reasons? Iā€™ve committed to Vandy and waitlisted at Rice, UCB, and Stanford. If I donā€™t get into Stanford (<10% probability) Iā€™ll happily go to Vandy. Interested in your thought process.