**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

I have four addresses as well…This is the first time that has happened to me on the portal. I doubt it means anything. I feel like the Q&A change is a better signal of admission, which I doubt anybody has yet.

I feel like decisions definitely do come out this coming week, but I really don’t want to have to wait until next Thursday/Friday…This anxiety is killing me. I wish they would release some decisions on Monday so that we could at least get a little bit of an idea about how much they will be using the waitlist. Why does Cal have to be the last UC to accept from the waitlist!!! This thread has been very helpful, though. Especially because I’m able to vent somewhere hahaha

@ahutch2001 were you L and S, and did you have to do FPF?

@collegeappacc Yes! I’m in L&S and did FPF. When you get accepted off the waitlist you aren’t given the option to do the traditional pathway. You can choose from FPF, Global edge, and a Hong Kong option. I chose FPF and honestly it was perfectly fine. The same professors from main campus teach at FPF. The only differences are class sizes and a more limited selection of classes. Honestly, it’s a really good program for getting your breadth courses over with. I’m basically done with all my breadth courses, whereas some of my friends who started on-campus haven’t even started.

some questions abt fpf! is it hard to be involved in campus life as part of fpf? is fpf worth the cash? pros/cons of fpf? thank you!

do you think they’ll go off of overall UC GPA or 7th sem grades & essay? do they rank/ rate waitlisters by tiers?

@collegecueen So for me I’d say that the most difficult part of being in FPF is that I didn’t really go on campus too often. I would only ever really go there to print at the OCF, to study at a library, or to go to office hours. However, they actually moved the FPF building so you can walk through campus to get there now which is great. I would say that paying the extra money is worth it because you still get to live in the dorms and interact with people who are on campus. Plus you only pay the fee for fall semester and you’ll get to go on campus in the Spring. The one really big con for me was that sometimes I would feel like I didn’t really go to Berkeley because all your classes are in a different building which sucks. I was also super nervous about moving to campus in the Spring, but after one week I had already adjusted so it wasn’t a big deal. Also, the course selection for FPF is much smaller than what is available on campus which can be annoying as classes fill up fast. Ultimately, I was pretty happy with all the classes I got and many of the professors are very accomodating and will let in many students from the waitlist. Also, a big pro is that for discussion sections, the professors actually lead them instead of a TA which can be really useful for making connections with profs. I’d say FPF is worth it if you really want to go to Berkeley.

@ahutch2001 from last years thread, do you know if the address glitch was shown to matter, or if ppl w 4 were rejected and ppl w 2 accepeted (you mentioned, you had 2 and were accepted?) was that the first wave?

Wait, you said we can’t be offered traditional pathway off of the waitlist? I thought they did offer some people this option and then filled FPF and GEL once traditional was full

does anyone have a prediction of the chance to get off the waitlist for CNR? what have previous years looked like?

@collegeappacc I really don’t think the 4 addresses glitch has any significance. I think it just causes a lot of unnecessary stress. I am almost 100% positive that I had 2 addresses the entire time and I got off the waitlist in the first wave.

@imaxraftrsav1 From what I know, if you get off the waitlist you have to choose a pathway and traditional is not an option (maybe this is only for L&S). I got accepted during the first wave and accepted my offer within minutes so I don’t know that the traditional pathway could’ve filled up that quickly. The only exceptions I can think of would probably be if you are in the College of Engineering or Chemistry, but don’t quote me on that. Everyone I met in FPF said they were there from the waitlist and weren’t given the option to a traditional pathway.

hi guys!! i am so confused about the whole traditional pathway and fpf pathway (I don’t even know what fpf stands for lmao) Can someone please explain it to me?? waitlisted L&S btw

Hey guys. I’m so nervous. Are decisions out yet?

I am oos for L&S and I also marked FPF. Does anyone know how they take kids off the WL? Do they like to categorize or rank them based on their stats and pick them from there?

“If space is available after May 1, all confirmed wait list candidates will be reviewed as a group. Admissions staff members will offer admission to those students we believe complete the class.”

What are chances looking like for OOS L&S?

UCLA class of 2024 Facebook added almost 200 (!) members in the last 24 hours
UCB class of 2024 Facebook LOST 35 members in the last 24 hours.

Someone help me here: Is there ANY scenario where we are all incorrect, and UCB is totally fine in terms of admission this Fall? I do not think so.

-We have @jaffa1’s data from his UC regent contact.
-We have @kevadunn, who has a contact inside who says the WL will be utilized this year like never before.
-This Facebook data shows that UCB is WAY under enrolled compared to UCLA, and we know that UCLA is aggressively admitting people from the WL.

What am I missing? Call me bananas, but if you’re on the UCB WL, you have to be in very good shape right now.

I see you guys talking about different pathways… but I didn’t even mark one. I applied to engineering. Where did you guys choose your pathways? Was it on the waitlist form?

@scrambro - yea from what we have been hearing we all should be in good shape but I feel like this is so good to be true. What if UCB somehow is perfectly fine with what they have as of now?