**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**

In regards to your question about capping high schools, the answer is that UCs do NOT place a cap on the number of students admitted to a campus from a single school. That is mentioned here in one of the slides in the UC counselor seminar from 2019


Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Thanks!

@Gaucho100 No it doesn’t mean you won’t be considering traditional, but word of mouth is all my friends who got in traditional last year did not mark FPF or GE. So, do what you will with that info, I dont think I will be marking either.

@Gumbymom Thanks! Also, just wondering does UCB have any preference in only uploading a transcript versus only writing the courses and grades in. Anyhow, we would be sending them an official transcript for confirmation through our HS should we get the spot and commit.

@studentasking234: UCB has no preference so submit one or the other or both. You are correct that if you are accepted and enroll, your final transcript will have to submitted anyways.

Best of luck.

Is College of Natural Resources usually harder to get off the waitlist compared to others? Is it the same as Letters and Science or relatively easier?

Also I hear all of you guys talking about the different pathways for the waitlist? Where is this located on the waitlist form? I don’t see it. Also, do we mention the pathways in our essays? Does a certain pathway affect our chances? Thank you so much!

Does it matter when we send in our waitlist form? I would like more time to work on my essay but i heard some people say to send in asap

@phatdoggo My D is on EECS waitlist and did not have the pathway options, I believe it’s only for L&S.

I honestly don’t think it will affect our chances. If anything, I think it might be more competitive to do some of these pathways since I know a lot of people who want to study abroad in London etc., and with the current situation, I don’t even know these paths would work. As for your second question, I think it really doesn’t matter when you send in your waitlist form as long as it’s before April 15th. I doubt they gonna start looking at the waitlist before May 1st.
Hope we both get off the waitlist

Any idea of whether or not it is a good idea to use all 500 words. The waitlist form notes that longer essays are not always better?

@Gumbymom Thanks again!

@onthatgrind: I think as long as you convey your information it is fine. It is likely so that students don’t try to cover the word length and repeat information just to do so.

ok wait i have a question abt housing. does getting off the waitlist mean that i’m automatically getting a random roommate? also, should i not be trying to find roommates in the school that i am already committed too bc i would drop it so fast for cal? ( i’m waitlisted for college of chem btw so i feel like my chances to get off are much lower)

So I haven’t yet submitted the Wait list form and wonder if submitting wait list form early is beneficial? Since it’s due April 15th, I was planning to work on it until around 1-2 days before and submit. Do you think submitting early give any benefits? (First come, First Serve?) Is this true? I hope it’s not true.

Any ideas/topics on what to write on the Essay? Did anyone already submit their wait list form?

I dont think submitting early would cuz I don’t think they are even going to start looking at the waitlist pile before may 1st. As fr topics to write, I think it’s pretty standard stuff like what you did recently that make you now more qualify as a candidate and how CAL is your first choice.

Thank you for information! Yh, I just heard some rumors first come first serve but yh I think they won’t even look before April 15th or even May 1st. I don’t think submitting early give any benefits.

Does anyone know whether only our Opt-in Essay and Semester Grade (if we choose to submit) are considered now? Will our Essays and Grades that we originally submitted be also considered? Also though submitting 7th Semester Grade is optional, do you think it’s beneficial to submit? My Grades stayed almost the same and I am not sure if I should submit them as I think they want to see improvement only.

Hey @richbilly - lots of good questions! let’s see: 1)Submitting early probably doesn’t help a ton, but this is a strange year, and if SIRs are low, then Cal might start looking at the waitlist earlier. But that is strictly a guess. 2)As far as essay topics, Cal already knows that you’re a good student, and would admit you if there was room, so I might avoid talking about grades and academic achievements, unless you won a significant award or were acknowledged somehow. If you look at the UCLA 2024 waitlist forum, (Page 3, posting #55) there are some great essay topic pointers there. 3) I’d submit your final semester or quarter grades, just so they can see that you took the classes that you said you would take in your original application. Unofficial transcript upload if possible.