**ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024**


I interpreted that they were talking about Bay Area Students in relation to other IS Students, like SoCal, and not OOS.

I think that international and oos will get priority initially to help with their revenue deficit. Then, because a lot of those oos students won’t end up committing,(bc of cost, fear as a result of the virus, etc.) UCB will end up pulling a lot of IS students off of the waitlist afterwards.

Should we aim 100 pages before decision release lmao?

We’ve already outdone UCLA in the number of pages before a single waitlist decision was released, and that is all that really matters, right? :wink:

@collegeappacc Don’t they already do that? I thought UCLA always took more from SoCal and UCB from NorCal.

just curious here, would anyone choose berkeley over ucla?
i’m an out of state student that turned down berkeley for usc, hope one of you guys will get my spot!

I would. I also don’t think I will get off of the UCLA waitlist so…

@otto12345 yeah. I got into LA and turned it down. If I get into Berkeley, I’ll go.

Also, how do I know if I have the glitch

@ravip3 your yellow box will disappear and the faqs will change into admitted faqs

i’m still on the ucla waitlist too lol

Last year’s 1st wave was a mix of IS/OOS. I don’t know about Intl.


@otto12345 Did u get a rejection letter from berkeley today

no, i was accepted into berkeley but i’m committed to USC

Did Berkeley start sending acceptance letters today?

any glitches so far?

My sons best friend just opened an Econ spot at UCB as he got off UCLA’s waitlist and moved his commitment there. My son is seriously hoping to hear from UCB today but we know EECS is probably not as open as L&S will be. Still hopeful he’ll get good news today!

no glitch so far

anyone have a glitch? my portal hasn’t changed