UCD and SFSU nursing

<p>Hello, I have a huge dilemma. I am a senior in high school and have been accepted into 9 universities and have narrowed it down to 3: UC Davis, UC Irvine, and San Francisco State University. My problem is that I have always wanted to go to UC Davis since sophomore year but it does not have undergraduate nursing. Beginning junior year, I have thought about nursing as my major and I have pondered if I should/want to do nursing. Recently I thought that nursing might be the major for me but I still am not 100% sure. I need to reply to one of these college by May 1st, which is the deadline.
Another dilemma is that I have heard that state schools are extremely crowded right now and classes are being cut because of the budget cuts. I want to graduate in four years. I am afraid that if I do go to San Francisco State, I will not graduate in 4 years because it is extremely crowded right now. My question is: If I choose to go to UC Davis and get my General Education (GE) done THERE and then transfer to San Francisco State University my junior year and apply to the nursing program would that be bad, badddd idea? Would it be difficult to get into the San Francisco State University nursing program as a transfer?
Or perhaps I should go to UC Davis and look at other majors? I am so confused right now... please, please help.</p>

<p>-bump- please, any advice is appreciated. asap</p>

<p>bump. I’m SO CONFUSED GAHHH.</p>

<p>Hi I’ll help bump this thread as well, since I’m in a similar situation. I have no idea how bad the competition is for transferring from a UC to a CSU. </p>

<p>I recently realized I wanted to do nursing and I wish I could’ve applied directly to nursing programs instead of mainly applying to UC campuses :/</p>

<p>Unless you were accepted already into SFSU nursing program you will have to apply anyway so you need to find out if there is any advantage to starting there and the likelihood of being denied. Second, in order to apply to any nursing school, you need to complete prereqs which you need to check how you would meet if UC Davis doesn’t offer them. UC Irvine has a nursing program so must offer the prereqs though you may not be able to enroll unless in their nursing program. Third, you could always go to UC Davis, get an undergrad degree in an area of interest then get a post bachelors nursing degree if you are still interested in nursing.</p>

<p>I went to SFSU 30 years ago. I started at UCSC which did not have the prereqs anat, physiology or child development. I luckily was able to take these at Cabrillo community college, then I entered SFSU taking 5 years to complete my BSN.</p>

<p>So do some research to figure out the path with the most chance of getting through nursing school or the most options if you do it later. Going to nursing school outside of CA may actually be easier after you get a undergrad degree because you may not have the risk of being denied and having to reapply.</p>

<p>Hi Lakemom thank you for your reply! I was actually thinking of attending UCSC, UC Irvine, or Cal Poly Pomona. The thing I’m scared of most is the cut throat competition at UC Irvine for nursing.
Which school do you think would be my best bet to take my pre requisites at then transfer to a nursing school?
Also, which school do you think has the best chance for transferring to a nursing school?
Thank you so much for your input.</p>

<p>This link from SFSU is about their nursing programs. Hey, there’s a phone number right at the top! CALL THEM and ask whether they give any preference to their own students in applying to the BSN program. You see that you need certain courses, a minimum 3.0 GPA and the TEAS test to apply - so do all the SFSU students too. </p>

<p>[SFSU</a> Bulletin 2010/11–Nursing](<a href=“SF State Bulletin 2023–2024 < San Francisco State University”>SF State Bulletin 2023–2024 < San Francisco State University)</p>

<p>If you went to UC Irvine, their nursing program is direct entry and you’re in already. (Have you been accepted to their nursing program?) It’s a sure thing so most people would say you should go there. Or, you could go to Davis, do your pre-req classes (and make damn sure you do really well in them) and then apply to SFSU (and other) non direct-entry nursing programs.</p>

<p>That’s riskier, but it’s up to you to decide. You could realize you feel passionately about something else while you’re at Davis, and change your intended major. You could also realize that while at Irvine, and change your major there. You’ll be taking much the same classes for the first year or two at both places but at Irvine, you’re in for sure as a nursing major and you can also see what the next two years will look like since the facilities will be near by.</p>

<p>greenwitch has good advice. I checked the SFSU link and the admission req are quite different now. Find out the prereqs for other nursing programs you might be interested in so you have a clear idea what to take. If you go to UC Davis, make sure they offer them or there is a community college that offers them. The Anat and Phys is harder to find. </p>

<p>It sounds like you are not officially admitted to the UC Irvine program and they may or may not give any preference to there own students. Find out.</p>

<p>Overall, I recommend going to programs that have their practicums at progressive hospitals, you will learn more. When I went to SFSU we worked all over the city and did a practicum at Stanford which is where I went to work after I got out of school.</p>

<p>Also in SF, UCSF has nursing as does Univ of SF so you might want to check those out too. Good luck!</p>

<p>wow, thank you all so much for your advice.I really do appreciate it. Now I’m just not sure what to do. For UC Davis I was accepted under Clinical Nutrition, UC Irvine accepted under Undeclared ( I applied to the Nursing program but unfortunately did not get in), and for SFSU I was accepted under Undeclared with an Interest in nursing.</p>

<p>Oh and also, UC Irvine is about 6-7 hrs away from home and I think that might be an issue. I like that Davis or SF is a good distance away from home, but close enough that I can go home when I want to.</p>

<p>I agree with bananaeaf that I am also scared of the “cut throat competition” at UC Irvine. It seems like this is likely. But then again, I heard that SFSU’s nursing program is hard to get into as well?? :/</p>

<p>Greenwitch, I agree with you that it’s riskier if I do my pre reqs at UC Davis because I would need to maintain high grades in order to apply for the nursing programs…</p>

<p>Lakemom- I was accepted into USF for Nursing but the tuition is way too expensive. Even with the scholarship I recieved, I would still need to pay $30,000+

<p>Hmm, Lakemom what you said about going to programs that have their practicums at progressive hospitals is very good advice. My mom asked a family friend who is a retired nurse about my situation and she said if I am going to do nursing for sure I should go to SFSU because there are so many big time hospitals nearby. Perhaps I am leaning towards nursing. I am about 65-70% I want to do nursing. It’s just I don’t want to regret anything and UC Davis is a huge opportunity. -sigh-</p>

<p>I answered your pm orangedream18.</p>

<p>It may be more challenging to get better grades in prereqs from UCD but it would seem that coming from a UC would make you some points since you had to have higher grades to get into that school to start with. Find out what nursing schools are focused on besides the grades and try to meet those areas e.g. does community service in college by running a nursing related charitable event help? </p>

<p>To be honest, I think if you feel you want to go to UCD and apply next year to SFSU, make an appointment with whoever heads the nursing dept at SFSU to learn about the program. Don’t tell them you were accepted to SFSU as a regular student. </p>

<p>Tell them you were accepted to both UCI and UCD but you would prefer to go to SFSU not to Irvine’s nursing school because you have heard such great things about the practicum experiences. Ask them point blank, “What do I need to do to get accepted to your school next year? What do you want to see on my application?”</p>

<p>If nothing else, they will remember you and that might be enough to help you get in. :)</p>

<p>UC Irvine has a direct entry nursing program. SF state does not, meaning you will have to apply at the beginning of your sophomore year and see if you get it in. Before that you will be considered a pre-nursing student. I recently contacted SFSU and they informed me that they receive 1,000 applications for their nursing program and only accept 80.</p>

<p>My advice is go to UC Irvine. It’s a great school and you don’t have to stress about whether or not you will have somewhere to go in your junior year.</p>