Pre-nursing at CC or CSU?

Hello. First and foremost, I plan on going into nursing. Right now I’m trying to decide whether or not to do my nursing prerequisites at my local community college or at San Francisco State. Does anyone have any input as to which would be a better choice? Also does applying into a nursing program as a CC transfer hurt your chances of acceptance?

Obviously a 4 year college experience is something I want, but acedemically I’m not sure it’s worth it. At all the California State Universities the nursing major is very impacted so it seems risky to go in knowing the odds are very much against you.

Any insure or direction would be greatly appreciated.


Did SF admit you into their nursing program?

If so, i’d encourage you to head there. If not, i think I’d head to a CC. You can apply much more broadly as a transfer from a CC than a CSU.

Nursing programs at the CSUs are VERY competitive, and they mostly look at your GPA in the prereqs. If you are willing to work really hard to keep up your grades, I’d say go to SF State. If you aren’t very confident, or don’t have a back up major, then go to a CC. The nursing programs leave some space for transfers, so I don’t think it will hurt your chances. Another option is to look into direct entry programs that accept you into nursing as a freshman. There are only three or four direct entry programs in California, including UCLA and UC Irvine if that would be something you are interested in. You can also always consider going out of state. Pennsylvania has a TON of direct programs.