<p>My D wants to be a nurse. She is considering between ucd and univ michigan.
ucd does not have direct entry nursing program so she has to go graduate school.
She got admitted to univ Michigan school of nursing.
but She is oos. Tuition is problem.Michigan offerd 22000 $ financial aide.
She is considering ROTC.Please tell us any advice!</p>

<p>direct entry BSN nursing is the best option. Can she do ROTC nursing at Michigan? not sure which school is UCD…but to earn a degree and then get an RN after BS/BA may be more expensive option</p>

<p>Thanks for answering.
ucd University of california Davis.
She can do ROTC nursing at Michogan!</p>

<p>My daughter is a nursing student at Pitt and in AFROTC. Obviously it can be done. That said, you really need to want to be a military nurse. Don’t try this route just for the money. </p>

<p>BTW - isn’t it too late to apply for ROTC scholarships for this coming academic year?</p>

<p>$22000 in loans and grants/scholarships or just grants/scholarships? If it’s the latter, I’d go with Michigan. Even if she needs to cover the rest, she won’t come out of undergrad with more than what - 50k in loans? - and that seems like a fairly reasonable amount for a new nurse (who could expect to make at least 40k a year). Graduate ABSN or MSN programs are veeeeery expensive, generally speaking, so factor that into your total cost for UCD.</p>

<p>Michigan meets full need, so you would probably come out ahead attending their rather than UCD->expensive master’s program.</p>

<p>Michigan in a heartbeat. UC Davis won’t offer aide, and is OVERcrowded–your weeder courses will have you seated in a satellite room watching a video, while you’re on a waiting list. Sat in on a workshop with outgoing UCD Grads seeking Grad Entry Programs in Nursing, and it was bleak–most felt that they should’ve gone a more direct route. UCD’s Betty Irene Moore Grad Program is small, and there is no auto-matriculation into BIMSON. I’m bouncing around, but if you’re set on Nursing, you gotta go with Michigan over UCD. Are you from CA or MI?</p>