UCD vs UCI vs Purdue for CS - all OOS

Do you want him to stay on the West Coast for school or for life.

Because if Purdue is placing 38% of their kids on the West Coast, more than any other region and it would likely be higher if more kids wanted to be out West…I would say there’s little issue with getting out West from there. In many cases today, the college location is not relevant. My kid, from the South, will start his career in Utah.

So if the school is better for the student, then I wouldn’t hesitate.

But if you want him on the West Coast for school - then that’s different.

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We are from NJ.
For us, my son can go wherever he wants. In general, he likes to go far away for college, which we fully support. I personally like Stevens, not b/c it’s close to us, but b/c I know this school very well. The co-op/intern/job opportunity at Stevens has no equal in my observation. Companies around here LOVE students from Stevens. Regardless of degree, this school has something like 99% of its student come out with at least 1 job offer. I hire a lot of coops for my company and we never passed a resume from Stevens (even when they sucked at interviews). So I would like him to go there for practical reason. Even with 35K merit scholarship Stevens has given him, we still have to pay around 50K, which is more than Purdue (41K), but $ isn’t an issue for us.

Having said that, we are not pushing him either way. We just told him the pros and cons, he has full decision on where he wants to go. As of this morning, Purdue and Stevens are top of his list (unless he hears back from a couple of other schools in a few days).


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