UCD vs UCI vs Purdue for CS - all OOS

how did you get that data for UCI? would love to find similar for UCSB for other majors…

Local start-ups (or even small tech companies not necessarily start-ups) also attend the local career fairs.

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I agree which will be more at UCI rather than Purdue.

I’m not sure I would concur with that. Startups are happening all over the place. I think CA is a little easier, but largely it’s about being in the right place at the right time, being curious and taking risks.

The counter argument is that the stupid startups like WeWork, Juicero, and Theranos tend to be in CA.

Sounds like OP really wants an endorsement of UCI but the consensus here is clearly with Purdue. I am hoping they get off the UW WL; that will make everyone happy.


Not a great metric for this decision!

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Purdue brings a very large number of companies to campus every year for their career fair. I would encourage students/parents to look up the information that is available through the Purdue Career Center and the Office of Professional Practice. The CS department also has its own career fair just for those majors.


Links to the first destination survey can be found in the second link as well.

What opportunities are you talking about in general ?

There’s a good startup culture at Purdue too. The Foundry is worth looking into.

There is a significant difference though between industry vet startups and student startups. The former don’t tend to hire unvetted new grads.

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They vet them through internships.

Edited to add: in Purdue’ case they vet through a study/work program through the university (name evades me). @momofboiler1’s daughter had a great experience with this.

I remembered the name: co-op. Right?

Many, probably most stealth mode startups don’t have interns. They don’t have the manpower to mentor them.

I don’t know what stealth mode start ups are. I’m sharing my experience with LA basin start-ups (lots of interesting work) that recruit at local colleges. Many undergrads will be spending their summers working at start-ups. They are small companies so they don’t hire lots of undergrads but hire they do. And the students seem to prefer them because they get to do a lot more hands-on work.

To the OP, my husband is from Southern California and many of his high school friends’ kids went to UC Irvine and had good luck with finding local internships. Not only in CS, but mostly engineering type work. I don’t know anything about Davis or Purdue other than they are well regarded universities with good CS programs. So I will not comment on those.


Stealth Mode is when what they are doing isn’t publicly known. It’s earlier. My son was fortunate to start at one.

I agree wholeheartedly that getting a foot in the door with a company where it’s “all hands on deck” is idea. Nothing would be worse than filing papers or filling out excel sheets. :face_vomiting:

CA is vibrant too. It’s a different world when it comes to jobs, wage, benefits, etc.

As you know, this is one of those cases where the “best” school is the be the OPs son likes the best. There’s no wrong answer.

I googled and they have a page - which I linked.

I don’t see the same for UCSB.

Send an email to career services with what you’re looking for and they should have the data.

UCI is very close to a lot of tech companies in Irvine. I’m sure many of them will not only be visiting career fairs, but also holding independent career-building/recruiting events where you can drop your resume and be on a shortlist. All of the UCs, and especially the top ones, are well respected by CA and WA tech companies (and let’s face it, all of FAAMG is from CA or WA). All of the CS majors I’ve met from UCI have been incredibly bright and delightful people, but I get the sense that you’ll find that to be true at Purdue and Davis as well.

About cost, with a $10k scholarship at UCI, you’ll be paying realistically between $50-55k/year. I’m from WA attending a UC on a smaller scholarship and am only paying $55k (and I’ve got a great/expensive dorm to boot… a typical freshman dorm would’ve put me just above $50k).

Obviously, the weather is great. Imagine Seattle summer but all year round (with winter being late Seattle spring). The town of Irvine is, let’s be honest, not the most happening in the greater LA area, but what you may not realize is that UCI is very close to Newport Beach, a wonderful happening spot all year round (and a lovely beach for Spring Quarter!)

Also, Alaska Airlines flies direct from SeaTac to John Wayne (Orange County) Airport several times per day, and SNA is just short drive from UCI.


My son also got into UCD and Purdue for CS. But for some reason, he doesn’t see himself as a UCD kid, we don’t see it either.

He is actually considering Purdue and Stevens at the moment. Mom/dad rooting for Stevens, but he also says he “definitely” will go for PhD, that changes thing a little bit. Purdue may be a better choice.

He also got into UMich EA, at the same time he got into PSU - at that time, he said he would rather go to PSU than UMich (i know, the horror for some here).

We have a few students at our HS went to Purdue and loved it. A family friend is also at Purdue and rooting for it with my son. Also @momofboiler1 's D is at Purdue and has a fantastic experience. I am lucky to get a close up and personal stories about her D and that puts Purdue very high on our list (Thanks @momofboiler1 ! <3) So we will go visit Purdue over his spring break. And since we are flying that way, we will visit UMich as well. Who knows, maybe after visiting UMich, he will change his mind. We are cool with whatever he picks.


And truth is this sort of accomplished and driven kid will do well at each and every one of these!!!

So even if he chooses the “wrong” one - whichever that is - if it’s “right” for him, he’ll do well in life.


Thanks for your reply. This made me realize that we wont be making a mistake if we choose UCI :slight_smile: DMed you.

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You are from which state ? That matters too. I want my son to stay at west coast. He should be happy where he goes and that will help him for his studies and doing well at college. Purdue is a great college I would have definitely chosen it over any UCI if I would not have stayed at West Coast. But we never know where we will end up going :).

Cant agree more.