<p>Now now children no need bash on other people schools. I agree with the other posters here that say these schools are just about even in academics and such. I guess it just comes down to if I want to party on the beach for the next 4 years or chill in a nice college town. Still unsure about it though. 14 days left..</p>

<p>It really just comes down to whether you want to be in NorCal (albeit with a Central California vibe) or SoCal. Both schools are good, anyway.</p>

<p>reasonably advertising his/her favorite school is understandable.</p>

<p>however, if desperately pumping a school could really make a school keep progressing or become as prestigious as hyps, then ucd would long time back become able to compete with stanford(at least ucb/ucla) in california. the fact is simply not...</p>

<p>as far as i know within my research recent years, most students choose ucs in a way of --
ucla>=ucb(yes ucla more popular than ucb recent years)
ucsd>=ucsb(ucsb keeps growing popular)

<p>if i were you, i would put ucd into ignore-list. i like to pass clear meaning rather than vague info such as "both are comparable/good/great/etc”… sorry ucd fans, please don’t feel hurt…</p>

<p>but people are different individually. you do owe the two schools a visit...</p>

<p>What are you sourcing your research from? It really varies location to location, and not to mention ethnic groups. In San Francisco, the "list" would look like:

<p>My list is based purely off of my friends decisions. As a matter of fact, I had less than five friends apply to UCSB, and none of them decided to go. One was accepted to UCSB and UCI and decided to attend city college to transfer to Davis. The point I'm making is that these lists are extremely subjective.</p>

<p>I would not ignore any schools. Please visit both of them and decide which one you feel more comfortable in. Neither one is going to spite you of your decision.</p>

<p>ucd=ucsd? lol...</p>

<p>if you like, you're really free to say ucd=harvard/yale/princeton/stanford, or even equal to their combination, but does it make any sense?</p>

<p>your post is at least a little bit more readable than some/many desperate ucd pumpers' here...</p>

<p>^ I'm an UCSB alumni.. I didn't know UCSD = UCSB lol.... when did that happen.. Most people I know who got into UCSD and UCSB chose UCSD hands down.</p>

<p>I personally think it goes like this</p>


<p>UCB --> UCD --> ?</p>


<p>UCLA --> UCSD ---> UCI/UCSB</p>

<p>Visit both schools and make your decision. No one on CC can give you an real tangible reasons to choose one over the other, because it is ultimately a person decision.</p>

<p>Probably the best advise on this post. The whole arguing about rankings on here is just ludicrous. Sometimes I'm amazed that these are college-bound students posting those comments.</p>

Furthermore, I found another ranking where SB is ranked higher than SD. It's not just any other ranking though, it's ARWU which is a lot more academically based.
<a href="http://ed.sjtu.edu.cn/rank/2007/ARWU2007_Top100.htm%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://ed.sjtu.edu.cn/rank/2007/ARWU2007_Top100.htm&lt;/a>
In this ranking, SB is ranked 35 while Davis is ranked 43.


<p>I was going off of American rankings -- both in USNWR and WM Davis beats SB. That other ranking I've never heard of before. The UCs are tiered like so:

<p>Who gives a ****? Anyone who picks a school purely because it is ranked two spaces higher on some arbitrary ranking shouldn't be going to college, they should be going to a mental institution.</p>

I was in the same situation. I was accepted to both and for 3 weeks I was confused and thought about my decision every day! I live in LA but I decided to travel over to UCD to get the feel and see if I liked it.
Oh BTW, I am not a drinker, I'm a very quiet girl that does her hw, i party like 3 times a year... </p>

<p>sooo i went to Davis, and it does not smell like cows, the air is so much different than LA's. They have recycling bins and trash cans like everywhere (almost). There is an arboretum and it is beautiful, ducks walk around that arboretum and the campus. Students are everywhere in that little town. Everyone bikes there.
The only thing I did not like was that it was very isolated. :/
And it is 6 hours away from me.</p>

<p>I visited SB and on the way there I was in awe. The beach was amazing. It smelled nice too, not as clean as Davis but still nice, it was that beach breeze. The campus had nicer building that UCD (with the expection of the engineering one). There are a few more things to do in SB. They have a bike path to the beach :] . In the end, I choose SB. It is more convinient for me. it's only 2 hrs away and its actually more diveresed than UCD and that is what I looked for too when choosing a school. </p>

<p>When I would think about the partying I was like afraid but nobody makes you do anything there. It's all up to you. I'm going to stick with that. </p>

<p>I believe that UCD has a bigger campus than SB...but UCD and UCSB are actually on the same plane when it comes to ranking. I think it all depends on the major. UCD is known for their vet program and UCSB for their FIVE Nobel prize winners. </p>

<p>I hope this helps you.</p>

<p>Thanks hellokitty its nice to see something other than just ranking fights. When you say that SB is more diverse than UCD are you talking about ethnicity or just like all around?</p>

<p>^ Please do your own personal visits and research, UCDorSB. Stop depending on others to answer questions you can basically figure out with a websearch.</p>

<p>Believe me I have been researching both school and I know sb is mostly white.I was just wondering what hk meant by more diverse.</p>

<p>Why is that such a big deal anyway? Do you see only race as a basis for diversity? Believe it or not, white people are not all the same. They come from tons of different cultural and religious backgrounds.</p>

<p>"I was going off of American rankings -- both in USNWR and WM Davis beats SB. That other ranking I've never heard of before."</p>

<p>I see. You were referring to only USNWR and WM. Oh wait, scratch that, WM doesn't even count since it doesn't emphasize academics. Essentially, you still stand by your statement that Davis is much better than SB academically, because it ranks 2 spaces higher on USNWR. What a complete tool. Grow up.</p>

<p>^ Someone's getting worked up.</p>


First of all, you don't have to criticize me. It's a forum, I'm allowed to share my opinion. Secondly, Washington Monthly can still help determine how good a school is -- it bases its rankings on research and contributions to the nation. Anyway, my original point from that statement was that in the most commonly used rankings, Davis is ahead.</p>

<p>To the OP: Visit them, do your own independent research, see what you think. My recommendation is UCD.</p>

<p>My cousin goes to Davis and couldn't be happier. He was accepted into both SB and Davis, and chose Davis because of its laid back enviroment. Also my other cousin went to UCSB, and hated it, and transfered to UCD after two years. Personally I want to go to UCSB because it is a legit party school, and has a good history department. </p>

<p>But from what I've seen students at UCD are genuinely really happy with it.</p>

<p>Thanks for the input Oop, have you already decided to go to UCSB?</p>

<p>Listen to hellokitty and candywave-I have a son at UCD and he is Go Ags all the way but my other son is going to go to SB next year. "Why? "I asked. Did he not want to be with big bro? Was it too much like home? (we live in the central valley where it truly smells like cows!) No, none of those reasons took Davis off the list. He simply wants the Southern Cal ambiance and the beach/mild weather and proximity to LA if he wishes. I grew up in Nor Cal and it is clearly different than So Cal both politically and culturally. Rest assured that you will get a terrific education at either school and decide by visiting both. If that's not possible maybe you can choose by asking yourself : Which one is closer to home? Does that matter? How is transportation home? For our family Davis is easier to get home from but my younger son really doesn't worry about the lack of airfare to the valley from SB. I suspect he doesn't plan on visiting as much as his older brother :)</p>