UCD Waitlisted Housing

I was waitlisted at UCD for sociology and plan to submit my SIR to UCSB. Should I just continue with UCSB housing applications (and roommate searches) and pretty much continue as though I’m going to UCSB? My first choice is UCD, so if I get in there then I will go. I know if I do end up getting accepted to UCD I lose my $100 deposit (which is nbd), but is there any other money that I could lose?

Yes. For now, you’ll just have to consider Davis as a loss if you are on the waitlist. Submit your $100 deposit now, pick your roommate and go through the entire admission process. UCSB will return your $100 housing deposit if you cancel your SIR early enough in the process, so most likely, if you are taken off the waitlist and cancel your SIR immediately after, you’ll get your deposit money back.

And no, the $100 housing deposit is going to be the only thing you’ll have to pay.