UCF 2020 Admission-still waiting

My daughter applied late September and we are still waiting for admission decision. She has a 3.8 GPA and a 26 ACT. She has been accepted at UNF, FSU, FGCU & FAU but wants UCF. She is dual enrolled, Dean’s list, Honors classes and AP. Captain swim team, 360 volunteer hours & saved over $35K working part time all through high school to include having a private business herself. She explained in her essay she was dyslexic and how that made her work ethic very strong. We are checking portal but see it’s still in review. Should a lot of notices get posted by 1 Mar? I see on their website it could be 31 May which we won’t wait for.

Call them- her application should not have been sitting for so long. Is she top 10% of her class?

No she isn’t. We have called them 3 times in the last couple months and they keep saying it’s in review. It was deferred and now in review the last 2 months.

No she isn’t. We have called them 3 times in the last couple months and they keep saying it’s in review. It was deferred and now in review the last 2 months.

How frustrating! I really think applications sit in review until they hit a number threshold for GPA and ACT/SAT, and then maybe a real person will look at them. Is that GPA UCF recalculated and did she put down a major?

That is the weighted GPA from her high school counselor/transcript. She put down Computer Science but knows from dual enrollment courses recently she probably is changing to Finance.

Her GPA will be rescored by UCF counting only core classes, so it could change up or down. Also, they do NOT super-score the ACT. If her ACT is superscored, that will qualify her for 100% Bright Futures, but UCF will just use her best test.

I would call them again. It’s very frustrating to call because you have to listen to a stupid SIX MINUTE phone mail message, and if they try to transfer you, you go right back to the message – but I’d still keep calling if UCF is her first choice.

Thank you.

Once UF decisions come out they will see how many people decline UCF. I would expect more decisions after that.

I think flprepaidmom is correct. UCF is the #2 choice for a LOT of students who have UF as #1. I believe UF’s announcements will start coming out after March 1…so a week from now.

One other thing. If she gets accepted for the Summer term, don’t despair. All that means is that she will have to take ONE online course during Summer B.

One other little bit of intel I picked up from a helpful person at UCF. If she gets accepted for Summer, get your paperwork done quickly and get into the earliest available Orientation session. She will register for summer during registration and online classes are somewhat limited during Summer B.

Since she had Dual Enrollment and maybe some AP credits she will bring to UCF, her choices for online may be limited because she might want to take higher level courses. I’m sure she’ll be able to find ONE, but she’ll have a better selection with an earlier orientation.

My daughter has been waiting since October for UCF decision and it’s being reviewed. She’s 90% sure she’s going to FSU. Just can’t believe UCF is taking this long

@weldmel , you can try calling but I don’t know if they’ll be able to tell you anything you don’t already know. You’ll have to endure their awful 6 minute long voicemail, but they try to be helpful once you get through that.

As has discussed on other threads, I think it’s possible that UCF will open up after March 1st when UF starts announcing acceptances. UCF is the #2 choice of a LOT of UF/FSU applicants.

The good thing for your daughter is that she already has one great acceptance from FSU! If she has to choose between FSU and UCF, all the better.

Good luck!

@JimDadinmia thanks yes I have called twice and they are not very helpful. It’s fine I’m sure she’s going to FSU. I just hate that this is the process the kids have to go through. I am not originally from FL so I didn’t understand this process till my oldest graduated back in 2014 and she was applying to colleges. She had high scores and gpa and still couldn’t get into FSU. She got into UCF with no problems. Now this time around my other daughter got into FSU and still waiting on UCF ??. We are just curious at this point.

Well, 2014 was 6 years ago and college admissions and standards are in a constant state of flux. In the last few years, three of Florida’s universities have really moved up in stature: UCF, the University of South Florida in Tampa, and Florida International University here in Miami.

Up until a couple of years ago, Miami kids would apply to UF and FSU and say, “If I don’t get one of them, I can always go to FIU.”

But today, it’s not that easy at all because FIU is actually difficult to get into now. The same is true of UCF, and just a little less true of USF. The truth is UCF, USF, and FIU are all very good schools now.

Another factor specific to UCF is that they recalculate the weighted GPA using only core courses, so what might be a high GPA to your school district turns out not being nearly as high as UCF’s recalculation.

Thank you for the info.

Thank you for all the info!

I mistyped above talking about GPA recalculations by UCF.

UCF’s method of recalculation may result in a LOWER GPA than your local school board uses.

Yes. I understood what you meant. Thank you.

Today my daughter got accepted to USF and still no word on UCF

Yesterday my daughter was wait listed for UCF. Anyone have experience with UCF wait list? Hoping after 1 March and UF admissions there will be a quick update-either way.