Hello everyone! I thought I would start a new thread for the next year since I’m eager. UCF’s first round of decisions is
mid-September. So post your stats if you want and use mine as an example. Don’t forget to update us! Good luck seniors! GO KNIGHTS!
These Are My Stats-
Term Applied For: Summer
Residency: In-State
UW GPA: 3.15
W GPA: 3.72
SAT: 1120/1600
Community Service Hours: 269 Documented
-Cross-Country and Track Runner since 9th grade
-Dual Enrolled at Broward College
-Varsity Speech & Debater
*Applied Aug. 6; they received transcripts Aug.17
*I didn’t like my ACT score so I didn’t send it
*Will graduate high school with 15 college credits
*Didn’t send any recommendation letters
*Also applied to USF,FAU,FIU; just got accepted to FIU yesterday.
*Didn’t take AP’s
*Ask me anything! And I’ll keep everyone updated!
If you get accepted into UCF, can you let me know? I have similar stats but scared I wont get in 
Of course I’ll update new SAT scores and everything @angel20308
I think you have a decent shot, kiraelena. Are you shooting for summer term to get a head start?
Thank you that means a lot since I’m so nervous! And yeah I applied for summer term for a head start, to lighten the load of classes during fall and spring and to try to graduate a little sooner then my projected graduation date @Trisherella
Hey! Hoping to get in as well. Also, I’m in IB so I already have some IB credits that I can use at UCF. I’m also hoping for a Pegasus scholarship.
My Stats:
Term I’m applying for: Fall 2017
Residency: In-state
UW GPA: 3.57
W GPA: 4.23
SAT: 1210/1600 (retaking in October)
Community Service Hours: 100+ (going to be 150+ soon)
Extra-curricular: Dance, Art Club, Drama, Students Working Against Tobacco (Vice-president, President), Peace Jam, French Club, and Cultural Club.
-I’m hoping to do Key club, soccer, and Model UN this year.
-I’ve only ever taken pre-IB, IB, AP, and honor courses
-I will be submitting a teacher evaluation
-I’m in the top 10% of my class
Also an IB student here
My Stats:
Term I’m applying for: Fall 2017
Residency: In-state
UW GPA: 3.82
W GPA: 4.55
UCF recalculated GPA: not sure yet
SAT: 2180 old SAT
Community Service hours: 200
ECs: NHS, NEHS, Spanish Honor Society, Book Club (president), 4 years volunteering at hospice, part of hospice teen leadership board
I submitted the application July 26, and my transcript was sent August 17. myUCF doesn’t show that my transcript has been received yet, so hopefully that will be processed before their first round of admissions!
S is IB student (though not full IB)
Term applying for: Fall 2017
Residency: Out-of-State
UW GPA: 3.74
W GPA: 4.22 (out of max of 4.49)
SAT: 730 RW, 700 Math (New SAT)
PSAT (FWIW): 720 RW, 740 Math (SI 218)
Eagle Scout, Cross Country, ACE Mentor, EDM Club
University of Central Florida Cybersecurity Camp, Texas A&M Camp SOAR (Aerospace Engineering)
National Commended Scholar, GCM Academic Letter, Financial Literacy Certification
I’ve been accepted!!! Check your status, they must be doing admissions earlier this year!
@astrantia Congrats , did you do the essay?
My daughter just got her acceptance too - thanks for the heads up!!
These Are My Stats-
Term Applied For: Fall 2017
Residency: In-State
UW GPA: 3.8
W GPA: 4.3
SAT: 1410
ACT: 32
Community Service Hours: 300+
@Smileytia98 Yeah, I did the essays and submitted a teacher letter of recommendation
I’ve heard that if you submit early to the Florida state schools, you’ll get an answer within a few weeks of all your information arriving. Once it gets closer to the deadlines, it takes a lot longer.
Good luck to everyone!
Need some help- only have a 3.388 weighted GPA but am taking Dual classes at my state college for senior year… i have a 25 on my ACT and need some advice on whether to just apply now and take the risk with the low gpa or apply later… help!
applying for summer 2017! please help. it is my number one school
@ucfucfucfplz, as you probably know, your ACT and weighted GPA are just outside of the middle 50% for the Fall 2016 class. That being said, a strong senior year schedule with dual enrollment should help. I do not think waiting to apply will help as you would only have one semester of dual enrollment to factor into your weighted GPA calculation. A single semester with dual enrollment weighting can only do so much to increase your GPA. I recommend going ahead and applying. Be sure to do the essays and counselor recommendation. Emphasize your extracurricular accomplishments and community service hours, if any. You can (and should) update your application when your dual class grades are posted.
Okay so i’m freaking out. MY friend submitted her application to UCF about a week before me and got her acceptance last Friday, but she also has better scores and a higher GPA. I haven’t gotten accepted yet, should I be worried?
GPA UW: 3.52
GPA W: 4.47
ACT: 26
I also have 3 previous AP courses, 2 dual classes, and am taking my whole senior year as an early program at Miami-Dade
@tatid123 I wouldn’t be worried because it’s still really early and I haven’t heard anything back either
Also Tatid123, I think your stats do fall in line with what they’re looking for. It’s hard to be waiting on an answer, but I think you have a great shot. Hang in there!