<p>:((I’m still waiting!!</p>
<p>mouse, what are your stats ??? and what other schools did you apply ???</p>
<p>My stat is:
Gpa 4.06 (weighted)
Sat1: 1780
Sat2: jap:790 math2:690</p>
<p>200+ hours of community service
Back ground of:
Single parent home with 2 very very young sisters
I am Persian and Japanese </p>
<p>Extra activity:
4 years drama
4 years choir
(alot of other stuff but too lazy to type)</p>
<p>I applied for nursing science for uci</p>
<p>As for other schools I applied : UCLA (not really wanting to go) ucsd( I want to go) csulb (got in)</p>
<p>I noe I’m not smart but my background is very colorful :p</p>
<p>you should have a good shot at UCI …</p>
<p>really? ? did u u have ur stat up some where?</p>
<p>3.8 unweighted GPA, 2130 SAT …
no EC and nothing else stand out …</p>
<p>@ people who got accepted: When did you get your email saying that your applications status had been changed? (date) I’m just getting really concerned.</p>
<p>I got my status change email on Feb 8th at 5:00 A.M! I got accepted as a Biological Sciences major. I’ve looked on other threads and noticed that a lot of people with the same major were accepted around the time I was… so maybe the waves are also according to major? Just an assumption, though!</p>
<p>I’m out of state. Ohio!</p>
<p>dont be concerned. uci usually comes out in march. this is just the elc kids or kind of like the “likely letters” for yale or w/e. doesnt matter as long as you get in eventually :D</p>
<p>30 more days of waiting, the uncertainty is killing me …
why do they do that ???</p>
<p>Leaker didn’t u get in</p>
<p>still waiting T3T so many people in my school (its an international school though many applied as OOS students) got accepted already D: But I have to say their grades are pretty good and SAT are majority above 2000.</p>
<p>mouse, yes, I did get in UCI, but it is my safety school …</p>
<p>waiting for (in order of preference), Caltech (<10% chance), UCLA, UCSD, UCB and UCSB</p>
<p>crabbie, where is your school ???</p>
<p>the official acceptance letter from UCI comes in regular mail today …</p>
wait, you mean that step-by-step sheet of how to finish registering to UCI is an OFFICIAL acceptance letter!!?? Well, if so, then it’s pretty unexciting LOL.</p>
<p>well, I am not sure what you get, but I get a letter in which the first paragraph reads</p>
<p>‘Congratulations! We are delighted to offer you admission to the University of California, Irvine (UC Irvine) as a Computer Science Major in the Donald Bren School of Information and Computer for fall quarter, 2011. Your selection from among a pool of thousands of well-qualified and capable applicants recognizes your exceptional accomplishments’.</p>
<p>by the way, I never said it is exciting, hee hee hee</p>