UCI Appeal

<p>Hello! I'm planning on appealing to UCI and I was confused as to whether or not the letter had to be hand written. The site says...</p>

<p>"Letter of appeal clearly stating new or compelling reason for appeal consideration, written and signed by the applicant."</p>

<p>Does this mean that it has to be hand written? Or does it mean that it has to be original.. cause that's kind of a given!</p>

<p>if you turn in a handwritten appeal I’m fairly confident you wouldn’t be taken seriously. Maybe if you do some sort of an incredible calligraphy job, but that’s besides the point. FYI this is the first year UCI did a waitlist and I’m hearing that if you’re not on the list, you’re likely SOL. </p>

<p>some advice on appeals, the important thing is to bring NEW and relevant information which was not previously mentioned.</p>

<p>It’s typed. Written refers to being original ideas/words by the author. Honestly, it would be a waste of time appealing this year (waitlist gets priority) and the UC highly recommends that you accept offers of admission elsewhere. I would still try though but you might not find out until May.</p>

<p>Thanks guys! :slight_smile: I was also wondering if I were to appeal to both UCI and UCSB, could that be potentially dangerous? In terms of my chances of getting in…</p>

<p>@iwantcollregeee: Each UC campus deals with appeals on their own (like the original app). They don’t consult each other. So you should be fine appealing to both UCI and UCSB

<p>Generally, appeals are only something to resort to when you have something new that is significant to offer on your application.</p>

<p>Third quarter grades might work as new information.</p>

<p>has anyone seen the appeal cover sheet yet? under appeal to selection, there’s a spot for supporting documents. does anyone know what this mean? for example, say i was in the school newspaper for an achievement, can i send them a copy of that newspaper?</p>

<p>Thanks rr43! </p>

<p>For myjunkisyou, I wrote about a graphic design job I failed to mention in my application, so I sent in the stuff I made during my job :). You can probably send in clippings of your articles and stuff like that! Maybe not the whole newspaper, though. They already have enough papers to deal with!</p>

<p>oh haha okay wow thanks!! really appreciate it! =)</p>

<p>hey does anyone know how we find out if our appeal was received? I’m a bit paranoid about it! Thanks!</p>

<p>This appears on your app status…</p>

<p>Status of your appeal: Your appeal is pending/under consideration;
you will be notified via e-mail when to check
for your appeal decision.</p>