<p>polyhopeful - I found some info for UCSD. It’s not laid out as easy as the above info but it has a ton of other info you can read up on for UCSD. I will try to post later for other school or you can look up yourself. Type school name and common data set and year and you might find it. Good Luck! </p>
<p>I wonder if they really were supposed to release decisions from March 1st so far it seems like no one has heard anything… maybe the real date was around March 14th?? A lot of the UCs seem to be releasing decisions late March</p>
<p>“decisions for Campuswide Honors Program went out February 11, 2014; the rest of the decisions will come out in batches at MyAdmission and Message Center between March 17 and March 21, 2014 (confirmed via UC Counselors and Advisers Bulletin: March 2014 received on March 11, 2014)”</p>
<p>My son too will be at a competition all day Friday till 11pm. It is going to kill me waiting for him to come home and read those emails. Best of luck to all of you! You have already shown that your are go getters by making through this crazy college application process and reading cc to keep up on what is going on. Keep that spirit in life an you will have great success!</p>