This year was my first year at Irvine Valley College. First semester I messed up as I decided to take 5 classes. Of the four classes I received an A. But in my math class (pre-calc Math 2) I received an F. That severely hurt my GPA and I ended up with a 2.82 for that semester. 2nd Semester I did better and received all A’s and it raised my GPA back up to 3.31 (Took 4 classes). I did some calculating and if I continued to get straight A’s which I know I am very capable of doing so, the highest GPA i can end up with would be 3.66 (I actually factored at least 1 B in there).
So here is the situation, I am planning on retaking math 2 (pre-calc) this upcoming school year during Fall 2016 and I am going into the mindset that I will get an A because I barely put any effort in that class and was completely lazy when I took it before. Although I would receive an A, I know that the F still remains on my transcript
My DREAM is to go to UCI after I finish my 2nd year next year
The major I am looking into is Psych and Social Behavior. Does UCI look at that F and ignore the fact that I got an A the second time? I have looked into academic renewal for IVC but it says that if I do so then the entire semester is wiped out and not just that grade alone so that means the entire fall 2015 semester would have been for nothing? In the UCs eyes do they just look at my GPA? and also the fact that I passed the class the second time around?
I am VERY stressed
will a 3.66 GPA not cut it because of my F in Math 2? Does this ruin my chances? I ALSO heard that theres a way to replace the grade GPA wise but not transcript wise, BUT HOW? That is my important question of the entire post, thank you!
If you retake the class and get an A, the F grade will not impact you negatively. In this case, the UCs will use the A grade (not the F grade) in calculating GPA/ eligibility (both the A and the F will be on the transcript).
A 3.66 GPA is still very competitive. Since it was only your first semester, if you continue with an upward grade trend then they will see you made improvement. Have you looked into TAG? A 3.66 is more than enough.
I have heard what you said before with how UCs will use the A grade in calculating GPA, but how so? Because doesn’t the F also factor into GPA even tho both remain on transcript? is it because the grade is higher? and the math class is also UC-transferable if that helps.
TAG was one of my main options but sadly I don’t qualify because I need to have a 3.4 gpa by the end of summer 2016 which I won’t and I also would have to passed a UC-transferable math class which I have not (failed so far). Do I still have a chance without TAG? 
If you retake the class and get an A then they will see both grades on your transcript but only calculate the A grade. If you do end up with a 3.66 GPA (not including the last Spring semester before transferring) then you will have a good chance of getting in. The 25th and 75th percentiles for Psych and Social Behavior at UCI is 3.25 - 3.73, so you will be competitive.
No, the F won’t factor into your UC GPA. Your failing grade will still show on your transcript, so you should state in your application that you retook the course. From what I’ve heard, they don’t hold the failing grade against you in any way, but I would NOT state that you were lazy and put in no effort as an explanation.
Better just to say something more generic, like . . . . the failing grade didn’t reflect your true academic ability, so you retook it. I think what they really care about is that you have a grasp of the subject matter by the time you enroll.
I don’t think you will qualify for TAG, but I found the following on UC Irvine’s site:
HeardWell Thank you for your help!! That link was also very helpful. I calculated my GPA not counting my last spring semester and it would be 3.57 tho I forgot that applications started by then
How competitive do you think I’ll be with that?
1Dreamer Yeah its disappointing that I am not able to qualify for TAG because I feel like that would have helped tremendously but I am going to have completed IGETC and have all my major requirements down so hopefully that provides me more help. And of course haha I don’t want them knowing that Im lazy now LOL
My stats if everything works out 
Major: Psychology and Social Behavior
UC GPA: 3.54
Overall GPA: 3.66
HeardWell, Are my chances hurt if I am retaking my failed math class during Spring 2017?! The last semester. Should I be trying to retake it during Fall 2016?
If you take it the Spring semester, then it would probably hurt you. The new grade will not be included in your transfer GPA since they will have given out acceptance letters before the Spring semester is finished. The F grade would be calculated into your GPA, so you should take it during Fall.
Even with a GPA around 3.5 you should still be competitive since your GPA will be around the average of accepted applicants for your major. Given that you are transferring from a community college and will have an upward grade trend, you should have a good chance of getting in.
@HeardWell If I take the failed math class this Fall instead of Spring semester, would the A be calculated into my GPA in time during the period I send in my application?
@uctransfer16 yes to my latest post??
@HeardWell may I ask how? Because don’t we file our UC apps during November while I’m taking the class during Fall I would have sent in my app by then and end up finishing my math class during December?
@HopefulAnteater1 I just did the process for 2016 haha. They ask for you to tell them what classes you will be taking in Fall then on a later date they’ll ask for a transfer update for Fall grades which they include for consideration. Spring grades are exempted from this luxury.
@uctransfer16 would it be better then if I took it during this summer before apps or can I take it during this fall? Like would it look better taking it summer and getting the grade or can I just go ahead and take it during fall with no difference?
@HopefulyAnteater1 No difference at all.
@uctransfer16 lol okay for one last confirmation, once i retake the math class i failed during this coming fall, it will replace the grade GPA wise? but both grades will remain on the transcript? THANKS!