help, i need to submit my SIR to a college tomorrow and i still havent decided where to go. i’ve been exepted to UCI and UCLA for computer engineering. i know that the choice is obviously UCLA but i dont want to live in LA or in a big city in general. I liked the overall feel of irvine and they do have a decent engineering school which is good for me. do you think its a mistake to choose UCI over UCLA? or should i choose UCLA just for the prestige.

For computer engineering? No. In the tech world, where you go to school really doesn’t matter all that much. Your major is highly employable. In fact, most CE and CS graduates end up in IT jobs and never look at a math problem their entire careers. Most of your education will be on the job anyway and after about 5 years of experience, employers won’t even ask about your schooling. Go where you’ll be happy. Trust me, you’re not missing anything at UCLA.