Uci or ucsc?

<p>So I want to eventually become a game developer; but the thing is that I want to take computer science so if the gaming career doesn’t work to well I will have back up jobs which I can do. I want to work is at Riot games which is placed in LA. But I live in Santa Cruz and my parents say it would be around 15K less if I studied at UCSC. Which one is better for me in the long run?</p>

<p>Unfortunately, if your parents are footing the bill for college, they will have a say in how much they can afford to spend. UCSC’s CS/Game Design program is well respected and a good friends son graduated from UCSC 2 years ago and currently works for Disney.<br>
You will need to apply to a broad range of schools, so you do not have decide now. Just wait till all the acceptances are in and then make your decision. Just keep researching schools that will be a good fit, price wise and program wise.</p>

<p>I understand UCSC has an outstanding game development program.</p>