UCI - Question about UCI Student ID and UCInetID?

Hey everyone!

So a few days ago I received an email from UCI’s Office of Financial Aid and Scholarship with the title “IMPORTANT Information About Your 2017-18 Financial Aid Application at UC Irvine.” Basically, the email stated that I needed to log into their My Aid website to view some information, saying that I should view it “as soon as possible”.
But the problem is that I have not yet received an email from UCI that contained my Student ID, so I can not access the UCInetID account.

Should I be worried about not yet receiving the ID? Has anyone else received anything like this?

Thank you!
[I submitted my application on the 22nd, and received the email on the 28th.]

The email regarding financial aid information is probably reminding all applicants to submit the FASFA prior to the deadline. Give UCI a few weeks to send you the email information and ID.
They will not send you specific FA information until you are accepted.

@SarielE35 did you receive your UCI log in e-mail yet? We received the financial aid e-mail last week and the log in e-mail yesterday.

@Gumbymom I hope it’s just reminders, thank you!

@lkg4answers Not yet, I have checked all of my mailboxes to be sure. If you do not mind me asking, was the information of the My Aid page anything critical or time sensitive?

@SarielE35 not for us it wasn’t. When we first received the financial aid e-mail, I called tech support asking how to log in without an ID. They said that the FA dept knows that new applications don’t have IDs yet and that the ID e-mail should be coming soon.

@lkg4answers Okay, thank you! I’ll probably wait a few more days to see if the ID comes before calling them to ask about this.

I have the same question for my son too. Thank you for posting! I guess we will wait a couple of weeks and see if UCI sends an ID.

I received my ID last saturday on December 3rd